My muse and I

My muse and I

by Marlies Dekkers

"She reminds me so much of you," my lover said, as he proudly handed me a book with on its cover a matronly Victorian lady, staring at me sternly through her coke-bottle glasses. Hmm, was this his idea of a romantic gesture? As soon as I started reading the book - a biography of British gardening legend Gertrude Jekyll - I realized it was a very romantic compliment indeed! Like Gertrude, I sculpt my vision through color, shape and texture; but where I work with fabric, she used flowers, plants and soil to create her magical gardens.

For the first time, I could see gardening as a way to express yourself. Guided by the awesome female gardeners I was reading about - I jokingly called them my 'gardening angels' - I started turning my backyard into my own private paradise. Vita Sackville-West, the best-selling bisexual baroness with a passion for gardening (her love affair with Virginia Woolf inspired the book 'Orlando') motivated me to just dig in and learn by trial and error: “The only thing is to be bold; try the experiment; and find out.” Through Maxi’diwiac, the Native American woman behind gardening bible 'Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden', I became obsessed with organic soil and heirloom seeds. And dressed in a flirty, flowery dress that gardenista and Queen of France Marie Antoinette would have loved, I drove a hired van to my favorite nursery to fill it up with organic compost and other horticultural delights. Forget fancy spas; this was now my idea of a romantic daytrip.

There is something very erotic about getting your hands dirty and connecting with nature's lust for life: sprouts bursting from seeds, flowers seducing bees with their intoxicating perfumes. 'In gardens, the main business is sex and death. Beauty is just a by-product' I read in one of my gardening books. I couldn't agree more. But as I, quite literally, became a more 'seasoned' gardener, I learned to appreciate not just the colorful lushness of spring, but also the darker seasons when my garden recharged itself while new life was gestating underground. By surrendering to nature's rhythm, I learned to trust Mother Earth's intuition and reconnect with my own. Like the Romantics who turned their backs on rigid rationality during the early 19th century, I fell madly in love with nature's feminine soul. Through my garden, I found a new way to flourish.

You plant a seed, you plant hope. And for many female gardeners throughout the centuries, creating their own Garden of Eden, away from society's pressures, has been a radical act of hope. I thought of them often, as I sweated and pruned, using flowers and plants as paint, and soil and sky as my canvas. I celebrated their colorful lives and gardens in my collection designs. And when I felt that my paradise was ready, I asked my lover over for tea. While he looked around my garden, absorbing its colors, textures and scents, I asked him what he saw. "You; I see you," he said with a big smile and pulled me close. What happened next is between me, him, the birds and the bees... .

Most loved
Building bridges

MD Friends

Building bridges

by marlies|dekkers

From the Erasmus Bridge and the Mercedes-Benz Museum to Qatar’s metro network; Ben van Berkel’s iconic landmarks bring people together in rapturous beauty, again and again. I talked with the Dutch architect and educator about sensuality, ‘healthy’ buildings and the remarkable parallels between our designs.

More than a feeling

MD Friends

More than a feeling

by marlies|dekkers

Don’t ignore your emotions; they are much more powerful than you can imagine. By linking the magical world of emotions with hard science, Dutch scientist Pierre Capel, professor emeritus in experimental immunology, shows us the consequences of our feelings and the power of our minds. The message: we can do much more than we think. “Meditate. It’s the single best thing you can do for your health.”

Keto curious?

Marlies Says

Keto curious?

by marlies|dekkers

The fact that I feel bikini-confident all year round is, of course, a nice bonus. But for me, the biggest payoff of following the keto diet is the way it optimizes my health and gives me tons of energy.

Super (skin) food

Marlies Says

Super (skin) food

by marlies|dekkers

‘If you can’t eat it, why put it on your skin?’. I pretty much live by this beauty adage. After all, with your skin being one of your body’s largest organs, anything – and I mean anything! – you put onto your skin will end up in your bloodstream.

Le blog Maison Marlies

La marque marlies|dekkers offre un large choix de lingerie fine et sexy qui peut être portée par n’importe quelle femme et qui correspondra parfaitement à ses besoins. Sur notre blog Maison Marlies vous pourrez en savoir plus sur ce qui se passe en coulisses chez marlies|dekkers. Que vous souhaitiez en savoir plus sur la créatrice, son style de vie, ses idées de recettes saines ou bien son style incroyable, vous trouverez tout cela sur le blog. Cette femme d’affaire arrive à trouver le temps d’écrire à propos de ses voyages d’affaires, de ses virées shopping et de ses vacances quand elle a le temps de se reposer. Et même en étant en vacances, elle prend le temps de vous raconter tout ça.

Donner des conseils mode

Si vous êtes perdue pour trouver le bon style ou la bonne taille de soutien-gorge, la Maison Marlies vous donnera des conseils pour rester au top tous les jours. Vous bénéficierez de conseils style sur quoi porter et comment l’associer avec nos soutien-gorge et nos bikinis. Vous ne voulez surement pas faire de faux-pas surtout si vous décidez de porter de la lingerie de luxe et des soutien-gorge incroyables ! Lorsque votre poitrine reste en place grâce à marlies|dekkers, vous pouvez célébrer votre féminité dans toute sa splendeur. Notre blog vous offre des conseils sur comment associer des ensembles lingerie. Il vous informe aussi des dernières tendances mode et lingerie, et est une véritable source d’inspiration !

Marlies et les people

Les célébrités sont aussi heureuses de porter le parfait soutien-gorge marlies|dekkers. Ces femmes montrent fièrement leurs ensembles lingerie marlies|dekkers dans les shooting photo des magazines, sur scène, lors d’émission tv ou bien sur grand-écran. La Maison Marlies a dédié un espace spécial sur son blog pour parler des inégalités homme-femme qui persistent, mais aussi des évolutions et progrès. Marlies souhaite l’égalité homme-femme dans le monde et en fait sa mission.