Marlies Says


Marlies Says

by Marlies Dekkers

I love to share! Click here and enter my world of wonder. Here I’ll keep you updated about everything fun, fabulous and fundamental in my life. Stay tuned for delicious design, early jogging, business adventures, amazing art, shopping sprees, healthy cooking, inspiration trips, fun with friends, wild nights out and my oh so many guilty pleasures… And, I’ll tell you all about my ways to celebrate females’ sexual liberation.

Reveal your excellent taste!

Marlies Says

Reveal your excellent taste!

by marlies dekkers

Many legendary stories told by male Arctic explorers 'forget' to mention a very important detail: the help they received from women and indigenous people, essential to their survival.

Set your dream on fire, and burn!

Marlies Says

Set your dream on fire, and burn!

by marlies dekkers

Camped out on the drifting ice of the Arctic Ocean, the members of ‘Metelitsa’ - a Russian all-female team of ski enthusiasts and explorers - slept with knives underneath their improvised pillows. “When the ice cracks and starts drifting towards the open sea, we cut open our tent and jump out," one of the women wrote in her diary. She added: "If we're lucky enough to have somewhere to jump."

Dare to be different

Marlies Says

Dare to be different

by marlies dekkers

Arctic explorer, society 'it-girl', wartime secret agent, fearless polar bear hunter... with lipstick on. American heiress Louise Boyd (1887 - 1972) was as brilliant and unique as a snowflake*.

Heroines of the ice

Marlies Says

Heroines of the ice

by Marlies Dekkers

"Can't you just use AI? Or at least shoot in a warm studio with fake snow?" My friends love the idea of this season's muse: the brave, female Polar explorer. But to literally follow in her footsteps for our campaign photography? Insanity. Yet here we are. Deep in the Arctic circle with only a few minutes of daylight left. At -19°C, every second counts for our lingerie-clad model Aneta, who is shivering in the snow. The huskies jumping around her are too restless to stay in the shot. Should we stop? This is crazy! But all of a sudden, she picks up a puppy and starts to cuddle it. The rest of the pack soon falls under her spell, and through my viewfinder I see a radiant woman, thriving despite - or perhaps because of! - the cold. A winter goddess.

The feminist fairytale behind the star of the norwegian sweater

Marlies Says

The feminist fairytale behind the star of the norwegian sweater

by Marlies Dekkers

I have always loved a cozy, handknitted sweater. And nothing quite says: 'bring on the winter!' like a traditional Norwegian 'snowflake' pattern: the perfect combination of comfy, crafty and classy. But did you know that woven into this ancient design is a fairytale of hope and female empowerment? Pour me some hot cocoa and I'll tell you the story...

Dare to impress

Marlies Says

Dare to impress

by marlies dekkers

They call her the 'Queen of Arctic Expeditions' and 'the Female Robinson Crusoe', but all that single mom Ada Blackjack (1898 -1983) ever wanted was some money to support her sick son.

The art of giving

Marlies Says

The art of giving

by marlies dekkers

Good, you love to give. But do you know how to be present for the present? This holiday season, let's truly master the art of giving by learning how to receive with joy.

Release your feminine power

Marlies Says

Release your feminine power

by marlies dekkers

Do you feel like your juiciness could use a boost? Then awaken your senses and unlock the power within your pleasure. After all, a juicy life is sustained by self-love and sensuality. Warning: it will get sticky!

Breaking the ice

Marlies Says

Breaking the ice

by Marlies Dekkers

The badass women exploring the Ends of the Earth did more than plant flags and fight frostbite. By daring to go where no woman - or man! - had gone before, these Polar pioneers showed us that yes, we too can achieve the unthinkable!

My muse and I

Marlies Says

My muse and I

by Marlies Dekkers

'Here we go!' I said, psyching myself up as I stepped out of the sauna into the snow. It had been on my bucket list for ages: traveling to Lapland during the magical winter months. After years of heart-stopping Wim Hof ice baths and spontaneous naked-rolling-through-the-snow sessions in my back yard - my neighbors must love me! - I felt prepared for the cold. But as my wet feet started to literally stick to the snow in the - 23°C night, I realized I wasn't. There's cold, and there's COLD: the kind that is simply unimaginable.

Dare to dream big

Marlies Says

Dare to dream big

by marlies dekkers

"No, you cannot major in geology. You should be learning how to cook," the American explorer and scientist Ursula Marvin (1921-2018), now known as one of the women who has reshaped science, was told by her professor at the start of her academic journey.

And so.. The adventure begins

Marlies Says

And so.. The adventure begins

by Marlies Dekkers

All my work as a feminist designer is inspired by muses. Powerful female icons from past and present. Although women have been marginalized for centuries, archetypes of female power have always been there. Through my designs, I bring them to you. To help us shape the world of modern-day feminism.

travel far enough to find yourself

Marlies Says

travel far enough to find yourself

by marlies dekkers

Many legendary stories told by male Arctic explorers 'forget' to mention a very important detail: the help they received from women and indigenous people, essential to their survival. A great exception is Taqulittuq (1838 - 1876). This translator and guide - both female and indigenous - was so brave and skillful that her story simply refuses to be erased from history.

Woman in pole position

Marlies Says

Woman in pole position

by marlies dekkers

Putting a flamboyant, female stamp on the male-dominated world of polar exploration, Bernice Notenboom (1962) is a breath of fresh - or should we say 'frozen'? - air. The first Dutch woman to conquer the South Pole on skies and the second one to climb to the top of the Mount Everest, Bernice's fondness for the cold matches her heartwarming openness. "A male explorer with children is praised for being a fun, adventurous dad, while a female adventurer is a selfish mother."

My muse and I

Marlies Says

My muse and I

by Marlies Dekkers

"She reminds me so much of you," my lover said, as he proudly handed me a book with on its cover a matronly Victorian lady, staring at me sternly through her coke-bottle glasses. Hmm, was this his idea of a romantic gesture? As soon as I started reading the book - a biography of British gardening legend Gertrude Jekyll - I realized it was a very romantic compliment indeed! Like Gertrude, I sculpt my vision through color, shape and texture; but where I work with fabric, she used flowers, plants and soil to create her magical gardens.

Let's dig in, soil sister

Marlies Says

Let's dig in, soil sister

by Marlies Dekkers

"Frumpy and not very sexy," my friend, who likes to call herself a 'career tiger' declares. Clearly, she is not crazy about this season's gardening theme. "Plus, is it even feminist?" she adds, as she takes another sip of my homegrown herbal tea. (We're in my garden, ironically her favorite spot). First of all, I think gardening is very sexy. The artistic self-expression, the self-sufficiency in a world of broken systems, the sensuality of sinking your fingers into moist soil - quite the opposite of frumpy! And feminist? Well, I could actually understand her skepticism. Dismissing domesticity, the women's lib movement of the 1960s instilled the idea that 'real' power could only be found on the work floor, as far away from the kitchen and garden as possible. Meanwhile, stereotypical expressions of femininity - heels, lipstick, lingerie - were replaced with unisex denim dungarees: the uniform of a 'real' feminist.

Female gardeners, Gardenista

Marlies Says

Female gardeners, Gardenista

by Marlies Dekkers

All my work as a feminist designer is inspired by muses. Powerful female icons from past and present. Although women have been marginalized for centuries, archetypes of female power have always been there. Through my designs, I bring them to you. To help us shape the world of modern-day feminism.

Smell your forbidden flowers and feed your fantasies

Marlies Says

Smell your forbidden flowers and feed your fantasies

by Marlies Dekkers

Do you want to live fully? To unlock your potential and make your dreams come true? Then dare to awaken your senses. Engage with the world through the 'antennae' of your soul. Wake up and not just smell the roses, but also see, touch and perhaps even taste them. With these tantalizing Awaken Your Senses collections, I'm inviting you to discover the twisty paths, hidden bushes and forbidden flowers of your sensuality. This season, let's get wet and wild in your secret garden.

The female gardener

Marlies Says

The female gardener

by Marlies Dekkers

From Greek garden goddesses to Victorian horticultural heroes; from Medieval weeding women to Insta gardening celebs - the female gardener has had many different faces. But besides her green fingers, one thing never changed: her burning desire to create her own Garden of Eden.

A pocket full of freedom

Marlies Says

A pocket full of freedom

by Marlies Dekkers

Perhaps you wore one as a toddler, playing with mud in your backyard; perhaps you rocked one during the nineties, getting down and dirty to badass girl bands like TLC and Salt-N-Pepa. Well, time to dig up your favorite pair of dungarees, because this practical-yet-sexy style classic is hotter than ever. But how did a farmer staple transform into a feminist symbol and even a fashion icon?

Blown away

Marlies Says

Blown away

by Marlies Dekkers

Some places blow you away. No matter how much you've travelled, no matter how often you've seen the pictures on Instagram, being there opens your heart, blows your mind and lets your spirit fly. All your senses jolt wide awake. Are you ready to turn your wildest dreams into crazy adventures? Then come with me. Let's go where we feel most alive.

Like a prayer

Marlies Says

Like a prayer

by Marlies Dekkers

Once upon a time, a little German girl named Hildegard had a brilliant, wonderful vision. Floating down an a golden orb, God appeared to her, and she was a beautiful woman. The girl was shown a world where women shone like diamonds, free to follow their heart. Deemed crazy, bedeviled even - the fact that she also insisted the cosmos was vulva-shaped didn't exactly help - the girl was sent to a monastery. When Hildegard von Bingen finally dared to write down her proto-feminist visions at 42, she changed our world forever.

Sexual on your own terms

Marlies Says

Sexual on your own terms

by Marlies Dekkers

It is time to reclaim lace and rebrand it as an empowering fabric. It is complex, layered and incredibly mutable. Yes, lace is a lot like a woman herself.

Giving, a brilliant lifehack

Marlies Says

Giving, a brilliant lifehack

by Marlies Dekkers

It's no secret; I'm a sucker for the Holiday season. For me, one of the biggest thrills of this period - besides turning my entire house into Santa's Shangri-La and taking over Spotify with my endless Xmas playlist - is how people are more open to giving and sharing. And although I live for Christmas shopping sprees in London with my daughter, I'm not just talking about buying gifts. I'm talking about being generous with your time, your talents or even just your smile. There's a saying I love: giving is not just about making a donation, it's about making a difference. Giving is an art.

Holistic health guru in a habit

Marlies Says

Holistic health guru in a habit

by Marlies Dekkers

Intermittent fasting, mindfulness, a diet of organic and seasonal food; these hot 'wellness trends' have actually been around for ages. Yes, literally ages: almost 900 years ago, a German nun had brilliant visions of holistic health that have the power to transform the way we live today.

Dare to shine your brilliant light

Marlies Says

Dare to shine your brilliant light

by Marlies Dekkers

All my work as a feminist designer is inspired by muses. Powerful female icons from past and present. Although women have been marginalized for centuries, archetypes of female power have always been there. Through my designs, I bring them to you. To help us shape the world of modern-day feminism.

The art of giving

Marlies Says

The art of giving

by Marlies Dekkers

I'm writing this with a big smile on my face and a heart bursting with joy: this year, we are celebrating 30 years of marlies|dekkers! Inspired by the Dutch art of giving on your birthday - 'wie jarig is, trakteert' - this fabulously festive issue of feminine|feminist is my anniversary treat. Like everything else I've created in the past three decades, it's fueled by my desire to empower you, to dare you to dream, grow and be. My gift to you.

Close your eyes

Get Dressed

Close your eyes

by marlies|dekkers

Close your eyes for a second. Imagine a place where you can feel, see, smell, hear and touch freely, without any limits. A place where all your senses are awakened in a sensory orgy. Where your soul becomes one with the stars. Now, open your eyes. Pack your bag. We’re going to an outdoor festival.

All for the sisterhood

Marlies Says

All for the sisterhood

by marlies|dekkers

Boss bitch, feminine feminist, body positive pioneer; over the course of the past 30 years, Marlies Dekkers has been called many things. Proud to call her my dear, dear friend myself, I sat down with the Anniversary Queen to toast to three decades of trailblazing, but also to explore the many wonderful ways she has shaped the world we live in today.

A piece of me

Marlies Says

A piece of me

by marlies|dekkers

Celebrating a milestone like a 30-year anniversary is the perfect moment to reflect back, look forward and party like it’s 1999 – or 1995, in my case. How fitting that in the run-up to my own celebrations, my life and art became the subject of a powerful performance in a party-like setting (a church converted into a 90s club for the night). In a dramatic monologue, Dewi Reijs played me so skillfully that I felt like seeing my life flash before my eyes at times! I sat down with the multi-talented actress to find out how she pulled it off.

More than a mother

Marlies Says

More than a mother

by marlies|dekkers

We are mothers, yet sometimes we have to be more than mothers to become steppingstones for our children. But are we ever ready for the next step ourselves?

Dance, the muse and I

Marlies Says

Dance, the muse and I

by marlies|dekkers

Dance is a muse with many different faces. One of the great joys of my life is to have been moved – quite literally! – by so many of them. Doing ballet, jazz dance and ballroom dancing, I practically danced through my childhood and teenage years. But it was as a majorette, strutting in front of the local marching band in my micro miniskirt, that I felt just how empowering dance can be. Twirling my baton to the different rhythms, I became the rhythm. Losing myself in the music, I found myself. And with every step of my black go-go boots I felt: this is my moment. It is mine. Try to stop me; you can’t! I am dancing my destiny.

Odoya, Yemanjá!

Marlies Says

Odoya, Yemanjá!

by marlies|dekkers

All my work as a feminist designer is inspired by muses. Powerful female icons from past and present. Although women have been marginalized for centuries, archetypes of female power have always been there. Through my designs, I bring them to you. To help us shape the world of modern-day feminism.

Dance trough it!

Marlies Says

Dance trough it!

by marlies|dekkers

This is an invitation. An invitation to join me in my celebrations, to dance to the beat of our wildest desires.

The senses of vision and touch

Marlies Says

The senses of vision and touch

by marlies|dekkers

Are you ready to awaken your senses? To get your (creative) juices flowing to the rhythm of a throbbing beat? Let’s pump up the jam and get seriously sexy and sweaty together! With these collections, I am inviting you to dance into a year of celebrations with me: the 30th anniversary of marlies|dekkers! To start, let me take you by the hand to the birthplace of my brand: the booming club scene of the late 80s and early 90s. Representing the senses of VISION and TOUCH, this is where I started sculpting the sensual shapes that would inspire and define several generations of feminine feminists.

Singles Day 2022 – You’ve got this!

Marlies Says

Singles Day 2022 – You’ve got this!

by marlies|dekkers

All the single ladies, listen up! Now that we singles have become the majority in a lot of countries, it is high time to stop feeling singled out. On Singles Day, let’s celebrate our freedom and independence by sharing all those solo milestones that make us go: ‘You’ve got this!’.

Anniversary cruise collection: Couture reimagined as swimwear

Get Dressed

Anniversary cruise collection: Couture reimagined as swimwear

by marlies|dekkers

I can barely believe it myself, but soon, we’ll be celebrating the 30-year anniversary of marlies|dekkers! We sure weathered some storms throughout the years, but you know what they say: you cannot control the wind, but you can adjust your sails. To make a head start with the celebrations, I’ve designed a very special, limited-edition swimwear collection which combines my love – read: fetish – for maritime uniforms with my obsession with details.

Electric & electrifying – my muse Lee Miller

Marlies Says

Electric & electrifying – my muse Lee Miller

by marlies|dekkers

All my work as a feminist designer is inspired by muses. Powerful female icons from past and present. Although women have been marginalized for centuries, archetypes of female power have always been there. Through my designs, I bring them to you. To help us shape the world of modern-day feminism.

Dance through transformations and challenges

Marlies Says

Dance through transformations and challenges

by marlies|dekkers

When was the last time you danced? A few weeks ago, while I was shooting the campaign pictures for the Nightlife Edition of our Awaken Your Senses collection in an empty nightclub, I suddenly noticed I was shaking my stuff. It was a sensual, groovy little dance; a spontaneous celebration of life.

Lee Miller & I

Marlies Says

Lee Miller & I

by marlies|dekkers

Are you afraid to bluff? Don’t be! Sometimes, in order to fulfill the potential of all your amazing talents, you gotta fake it till you make it. (Just like the boys have always shamelessly done). Finding inspiration in the bravura of the legendary, multi-talented Lee Miller, I learned from the best.

More than a biological mother

Marlies Says

More than a biological mother

by marlies|dekkers

To me, mother is a verb. It’s not something we are. It’s something we do. It’s about planting seeds and nurturing dreams and bursting with pride when we’ve helped others blossom. So, this Mother’s Day – biological mother or not – let’s celebrate the Mother Earth in all of us!

Mother Earth, Father Sky

Marlies Says

Mother Earth, Father Sky

by marlies|dekkers

Like our ancestors who worshipped both Mother Earth and Father Sky, I stay grounded by watching the stars. But what can astrology tell me about my career and leadership skills?
About 15 years ago I became interested in astrology. Based on the premise ‘as above, so below’, this endlessly fascinating science analyzes the marriage of Mother Earth and Father Sky. In other words, it looks at the relationship between patterns in the sky and phenomena on earth. I believe that studying your natal chart – the astronomical snapshot of the sky taken at the moment and from the position you were born – can provide you with precious tools to express your natural gifts, in many different areas of your life. So, when renowned ‘astro–economist’ Han van Straaten suggested a reading of my chart, focusing on my career and leadership skills, I jumped at the chance! Here are some highlights of the insightful ‘soul map’ he made for me:

Inspired by Mother Earth – Have you heard the call?

Marlies Says

Inspired by Mother Earth – Have you heard the call?

by marlies|dekkers

Have you heard the call? The call to venture into the unknown and meet your tribe in an ecstatic celebration of love, music and nature? Whether it’s a full–moon party on a tropical island or a deep–desert dance fest, the party starts as soon as you decide to drop everything and follow your heart. Travel light; you only need to pack the essentials. With some great swimwear, like my own fashionable yet durable bikinis and bathing suits, you’re ready for any type of action!

My muse Gaia – the original Big Mama

Marlies Says

My muse Gaia – the original Big Mama

by marlies|dekkers

All my work as a feminist designer is inspired by muses. Powerful female icons from past and present. Although women have been marginalized for centuries, archetypes of female power have always been there. Through my designs, I bring them to you. To help us shape the world of modern-day feminism.

Mother Earth and I

Marlies Says

Mother Earth and I

by marlies|dekkers

Mother Earth and I weren’t BFF’s from the beginning. Our relationship grew in stages, like the rings of a tree, into a beautiful, soulful, if not turbulent marriage. Looking back, studying our tree rings, the saying ‘through thick and thin’ comes to mind. There are thin rings, created during ‘lean’ years when I largely ignored Mother Earth, while the thick, robust ones are the result of us getting up close and personal. Sometimes a little too personal… Like during a hardcore survival trip in Sweden’s wilderness when I was 16.

Mother Earth’s ‘Comeback’

Marlies Says

Mother Earth’s ‘Comeback’

by marlies|dekkers

« Your muse for this coming season is Mother Earth? Seriously? ». Going by my friends’ and colleagues’ reactions, you would believe that this was the most shocking thing I had done since designing and wearing my ‘bare–butt dress’. « Isn’t it a bit hippie-dippie? » some would ask delicately, while others bluntly branded the subject ‘unsexy’. I couldn’t blame them. While our ancestors saw Mother Earth as the ultimate manifestation of fertility and creativity – read: the very first sex symbol – centuries of patriarchy have tried to tame and scandalize the raw, female power she symbolizes. They almost succeeded. Almost!


Marlies Says


by marlies|dekkers

How savage are you? Do you chart your own course, even in the middle of a crazy storm? The glorious female pirates in this magazine are savage for sure, but they weren’t all born that way. Each of them reached a point where they felt they HAD to break free. The universe was telling them: do it, NOW!

Pirate Queen – Raise your rebel flag!

Marlies Says

Pirate Queen – Raise your rebel flag!

by marlies|dekkers

All my work as a feminist designer is inspired by muses. Powerful female icons from past and present. Although women have been marginalized for centuries, archetypes of female power have always been there. Through my designs, I bring them to you. To help us shape the world of modern-day feminism.

Anne Bonny & I – My Pirate Life

Marlies Says

Anne Bonny & I – My Pirate Life

by marlies|dekkers

Growing up, I never belonged. But even though I got bullied and often felt lonely, deep down inside I already knew: forget fitting in, I was born to stand out! So, I proudly wore my make-up and heels to school and played by myself; an outcast in the courtyard. Let them call me a ‘freak’ and a ‘weirdo’; I entertained myself by fantasizing what my life would be like once I was free. One thing was for sure: I was going to be legendary. And it would happen by nurturing exactly that which made me stand out.

Happy Singles Day – You’ve got this!

Marlies Says

Happy Singles Day – You’ve got this!

by marlies|dekkers

All the single ladies, listen up! With single women rapidly becoming the majority, it is high time to stop feeling singled out. This Singles Day, let’s celebrate our freedom and independence by sharing all those solo milestones that make us go: ‘You’ve got this!’.

Happy Singles Day – You’ve got this!

Marlies Says

Happy Singles Day – You’ve got this!

by marlies|dekkers

All the single ladies, listen up! With single women rapidly becoming the majority, it is high time to stop feeling singled out. This Singles Day, let’s celebrate our freedom and independence by sharing all those solo milestones that make us go: ‘You’ve got this!’.

Stranger fictions

Marlies Says

Stranger fictions

by marlies|dekkers

Who are you in your parallel life? A queen, a CEO, a swashbuckling pirate? This holiday season, let’s do some ‘space-time’ traveling and get ready to manifest our wildest dreams.

the Queen of Summer

Marlies Says

the Queen of Summer

by marlies|dekkers

Like a mighty snake, the Nile river slithers through the driest desert land with its life-giving waters, creating a lush strip of paradise along its banks: Egypt. Not surprisingly, the Egyptians called their land a ‘Gift of the Nile’ while their most magnificent female pharaoh, Cleopatra, will always be known as ‘the Queen of the Nile’.

More than a mother

Marlies Says

More than a mother

by marlies|dekkers

For nine months Zilver was part of my body, but as soon as I held her in my arms, I realized that my task as a mother was to give my daughter wings. Even if that meant she would fly away from me someday!

Summer of love 2.0

Marlies Says

Summer of love 2.0

by marlies|dekkers

The Summer of Love may be more than half a century behind us, but hippie culture with its ‘multi-culti’ influences is hipper than ever. Going deeper than just using a retro filter, our Instagram generation is embracing hippie values such as wanderlust, free love and clean eating. And guess what? It may be exactly what the world needs now. Excuse us while we kiss the sky!

Cleopatra & I

Marlies Says

Cleopatra & I

by marlies|dekkers

“Now, that’s how you make an entrance!” I told my 10-year old self when I watched a voluptuous Elizabeth Taylor roll out of a carpet and onto the floor with stunning sass and self-possession in the movie ‘Cleopatra’ (1963). Liz, or Cleopatra – they became interchangeable to me – was about to lose it all and had smuggled herself into Caesar’s palace to beg for help. But of course, this bad-ass b***h didn’t beg but demand, casually stealing the Roman general’s heart while she was at it. Within a few minutes, I made a second mental note: when life drags you down, don’t be a drag, be a queen!

Crown yourself

Marlies Says

Crown yourself

by marlies|dekkers

All my work as a feminist designer is inspired by muses. Powerful female icons from past and present. Although women have been marginalized for centuries, archetypes of female power have always been there. Through my designs, I bring them to you. To help us shape the world of modern-day feminism.

Dare to be a comeback Queen

Marlies Says

Dare to be a comeback Queen

by marlies|dekkers

Some periods are so dramatic and life-altering that even though you can’t even fathom the outcome yet, you already know in the depth of your soul: we will forever speak of before and after. As I write this, we’re in the midst of a revolution, accelerated by a pandemic: people in face masks are marching the streets. Just like the women who started the MeToo movement and the Swedish teenager who told the world: ‘Our house is on fire’, they were tired of waiting for change. And so, they became the change.

Happy New Year!

Marlies Says

Happy New Year!

by marlies|dekkers

What a year it’s been! While many of us are eager to start 2021, I would like to take a moment and look back at a year that shook us all, but still left me with gratitude and hope in my heart.

’tis the season to sparkle

Marlies Says

’tis the season to sparkle

by marlies|dekkers

If you are like me, you cannot WAIT to kickstart the festive season by filling up your house with fresh, fragrant greens and sparkly decorations. With every shiny ornament I hang in my tree, I say a little prayer of gratitude for all the love and friendship in my life. And with every touch of gorgeous red, I honor one very special lady… Eve!

24 hours of Christmas bliss in London

Marlies Says

24 hours of Christmas bliss in London

by marlies|dekkers

“If things happen anywhere, they happen in London,” Queen of Crime Agatha Christie once said. Well, London is never more happening than during the Holiday season, when my favorite city is transformed into a magical, fairytale-like lighting spectacle. From scoring sexy stocking fillers to scarfing down scones at the Ritz; here is how my daughter Zilver and I like to spend 24 hours in London’s Christmas wonderland.

Singles Day 2020

Females Forward

Singles Day 2020

by marlies|dekkers

All the single ladies, listen up! With single women rapidly becoming the majority, it is high time to stop feeling singled out. On Singles Day, let’s celebrate our freedom and independence by sharing all those solo milestones that make us go: ‘You’ve got this!’.

HALLOWEEN: How to turn terror into a treat

Marlies Says

HALLOWEEN: How to turn terror into a treat

by marlies|dekkers

It was a perfect day to die. Laying on the tracks, all my senses were heightened: I felt the cold metal in my neck, the blood trickling down my chin. I smelled the damp earth. Suddenly, a crippling fear crept up from deep inside my belly. What if this really was my last moment on earth? What if I died right now? I looked up at the crisp autumn sky one last time. Then I closed my eyes and descended into my deepest fear.


Marlies Says


by marlies|dekkers

Most breast cancer patients (almost 75%!) have discovered the disease themselves. Early detection is incredibly important to be able to prevent needing very heavy surgeries and treatment. That’s why team marlies|dekkers is here to remind you to #feelitonthefirst!

Writing 101 – How to slay captions, Agatha-style

Marlies Says

Writing 101 – How to slay captions, Agatha-style

by marlies|dekkers

If you have a social-media account – and who doesn’t? – you are a publisher, a marketeer and a writer. Yes, in this content-driven world, we are all writers. But how can you find your voice? How to best tell your story? In one single caption? Well, let’s ask the best selling novelist in history.

Destination Fall|Winter 2020

Marlies Says

Destination Fall|Winter 2020

by marlies|dekkers

Did you know a woman’s heart is very different from a man’s heart? But that the male body is still the norm in ‘modern’ medicine, costing many women their lives? For this issue of Feminine Feminist, I interviewed ‘cardiofeminist’ Angela Maas who has been fighting sexism in the male dominated medical field for the past 35 years. The secret of her steadfastness? Her femininity. “I didn’t want to lose my ‘softness’,” she told me. Angela also treated herself to some permanent makeup – eyeliner and eyebrows – to always look and feel her best, even during a 4 am emergency surgery. Angela’s personal interpretation of ‘Feminine Feminism’.

Dare to use your imagination

Marlies Says

Dare to use your imagination

by marlies|dekkers

All my work as a feminist designer is inspired by muses. Powerful female icons from past and present. Although women have been marginalized for centuries, archetypes of female power have always been there. Through my designs, I bring them to you. To help us shape the world of modern-day feminism.

Agatha & I

Marlies Says

Agatha & I

by marlies|dekkers

There I was in my silk evening gown, steaming up the windows of the Orient Express with a handsome stranger when we heard a bloodcurdling scream. Just that morning, I had poisoned my husband on a Nile steamer after solving a gruesome murder at an archaeological dig in Mesopotamia. Quite a day, I dare say! Especially for a 9-year old girl in a small town in Holland.

Empower women

Marlies Says

Empower women

by marlies|dekkers

Our brand is on a mission; we are here to empower women and spread the feminine feminist message.

Sustainable solutions

Marlies Says

Sustainable solutions

by marlies|dekkers

We commit to use our expertise to create and find sustainable solutions for our products and introduce sustainable innovations in cooperation with other experts in the industry.


Marlies Says


by marlies|dekkers

We will be transparent about the steps we take to reach a positive impact on environmental and social aspects of our supply chain. We will share our long-term goals and plans with you online.

Fair & Equal

Marlies Says

Fair & Equal

by marlies|dekkers

To us being fair & equal means that human rights are respected and promoted within the company and its supply chain.

Perfect with all your imperfections…

Marlies Says

Perfect with all your imperfections…

by marlies|dekkers

Do you feel quite vulnerable on the beach? No wonder! Just think about it: you’re laying on your back, surrounded by strangers, and you’re wearing something minuscule that, just a few hundred meters down, on the boulevard, you wouldn’t be caught dead in! Simply put: the beach has its own set of rules. So when I started designing swimwear, I felt I needed to crack that code. Off I went, on a tour of different beaches in different countries, trying out different states of undress. (And yes, that included an exciting afternoon on a nudist beach.)

Booty building

Marlies Says

Booty building

by marlies|dekkers

One of the perks of working out 5 times a week, besides a healthy body and mind, is having a great booty. A booty so great, in fact, that I didn’t hesitate to show it off during my own catwalk show the other day! I asked my trainer and booty icon, Canadian dancer Samantha Newman, to share a highlight from her BOOTYBUILDING101 classes.

Keto curious?

Marlies Says

Keto curious?

by marlies|dekkers

The fact that I feel bikini-confident all year round is, of course, a nice bonus. But for me, the biggest payoff of following the keto diet is the way it optimizes my health and gives me tons of energy.

Super (skin) food

Marlies Says

Super (skin) food

by marlies|dekkers

‘If you can’t eat it, why put it on your skin?’. I pretty much live by this beauty adage. After all, with your skin being one of your body’s largest organs, anything – and I mean anything! – you put onto your skin will end up in your bloodstream.

Podcast by the pool

Marlies Says

Podcast by the pool

by marlies|dekkers

I LOVE a good podcast. When done well, it is both informative and relaxing. On top of that, the intimate quality of it can make me me feel like I am having a really good talk with a very clever friend.

Cool moves for a hot bod

Marlies Says

Cool moves for a hot bod

by marlies|dekkers

Did you know that my bikinis and bathing suits are burpee proof? Thanks to their perfect fit and quick-dry material, you can turn the pool and the beach into your gym!

Get freezing!

Marlies Says

Get freezing!

by marlies|dekkers

Can you strengthen your body and mind by exposing yourself to extremely cold temperatures? ‘Iceman’ Wim Hof, world record holder for the longest ice bath (1 hour, 53 minutes), convinced me a few winters ago that you can.

Anne Fleur Dekker: the firestarter

Marlies Says

Anne Fleur Dekker: the firestarter

by marlies|dekkers

They call them the ‘Me Me Me’ generation, but I happen to be a great fan of the brave, creative, technically savvy Millennials who are taking to the streets and Twitter to voice their unfiltered opinions. I had a conversation with Dutch opinion maker and activist Anne Fleur Dekker, one of my favorite ‘new pioneers’.


Marlies Says


by marlies|dekkers

As soon as I held my newborn daughter Zilver in my arms, I realized that I had been given a hugely important task: to give her wings. So, I raised her using the exact same motto with which I design all my lingerie: dare to dream, dare to grow, dare to be. And I never stopped using my own wings to fly, traveling the world to make my dreams come true. Because I believed that being ‘more than a mother’ was the best way to teach by example. But what did Zilver think of having a mother with wanderlust?

fall|winter 20 preview

Marlies Says

fall|winter 20 preview

by marlies|dekkers

In January, I presented my newest FW20 collection during a show full of dance and entertainment in Rotterdam. All my work as a feminist designer is inspired by muses, powerful female icons from past and present. And for FW20, my muse will be crime writer Agatha Christie. A few months from now, you will get to discover the collections, and see how they tell stories like Agatha’s thrilling books do..

Amelia & I

Marlies Says

Amelia & I

by marlies|dekkers

I have been called ‘crazy’ many times in my life. When I rejected my parents’ expectations to become a housewife. (“You’re deluded.”). When I applied for a prestigious art school. (“You’re crazy.”). When I decided to start a lingerie brand, designed completely from a woman’s point of view (“Who wants that?”). And they were right: what I wanted was often batshit crazy. But it seemed even crazier NOT to do it. If you want to be the pilot of your own destiny, you have no choice. You face the empty sky and fly off into the unknown.

Dare to dream crazy.

Marlies Says

Dare to dream crazy.

by marlies|dekkers

The bright blue skies above Santa Paula Airport, 60 miles northwest of Los Angeles, were vibrating with the sounds of airplanes looping, rolling, and spinning through the California sunshine. “So fierce, I love it!”, photographer Ellen von Unwerth declared with a big smile as our models, embodying Amelia Earhart’s fearless spirit in my ‘Aviator’ couture collection, posed away for by the wings of a shiny red plane. All of a sudden, a majestic aircraft appeared in the shimmering heat above the tarmac. As it headed straight towards us with roaring engines, my heart skipped a beat.

The next step in transparency!

Marlies Says

The next step in transparency!

by marlies|dekkers

On the 12th of October I signed the Transparency Pledge, promising to be transparent about our production locations by publishing a list of the involved factories online. The pledge was developed by a global coalition of nine trade union federations and human rights organizations and is a part of the #Go Transparent campaign organized by Clean Clothes.

Singles Day – You’ve Got this!

Marlies Says

Singles Day – You’ve Got this!

by marlies|dekkers

All the single ladies, listen up! With single women rapidly becoming the majority, it is high time to stop feeling singled out. This Singles Day, let’s celebrate our freedom and independence by sharing all those solo milestones that make us go: ‘You’ve got this!’.

Velvet voice

Marlies Says

Velvet voice

by marlies|dekkers

All my work as a feminist designer is inspired by muses. Powerful female icons from past and present. Although women have been marginalized for centuries, archetypes of female power have always been there. Through my designs, I bring them to you. To help us shape the world of modern-day feminism.

Lady Day & I

Marlies Says

Lady Day & I

by marlies|dekkers

The first time I saw the phenomenon that is Billie Holiday, she was wearing a frumpy maid uniform. Even though the movie I was watching with my mother -a romantic melodrama called ‘New Orleans’ (1947)- was innocent enough, and I was still a child, I could already tell there was something terribly wrong with the picture. This gorgeous, proud woman was too glamorous for her outfit; as a matter of fact, she was way too formidable for the movie! I would soon find out that Billie Holiday was one of those women that society likes to call ‘too much’. I was hooked.

Owning our perfect imperfections

Marlies Says

Owning our perfect imperfections

by marlies|dekkers

Billie Holiday used to say: « I sing both the happy blues and the sad blues. Anything I sing, it’s a part of my life. » I think the Badass Queen of Blues would have loved what is happening in social media right now, with women from all walks of life sharing their ‘blues’, turning them into beauty and becoming complete in the process. Because after decades and decades of media and advertising telling us that we can only be happy when we have a ‘perfect’ life and a ‘perfect’ body, a growing group of shameless celebrities, bloggers and social media-savvy women are now claiming the right to be seen, with all their perfect imperfections. From Chrissy Teigen showing off the post-baby stretchmarks on her hips (fondly calling them #stretchies) to model Tess Holiday flaunting her plus-size curves with the hashtag #effyourbeautystandards; social media has emerged as an unlikely, but empowering place to shatter the stifling beauty- and lifestyle norm. WE are the norm, and we are wielding some powerful tools: self-love and hashtags!

Celebrating a century of shamelessly sexy songs

Marlies Says

Celebrating a century of shamelessly sexy songs

by marlies|dekkers

« I need a little hot dog between my rolls; move your finger, drop something in my bowl. » Cardi B’s latest saucy rhymes? No, it is bad-ass Blues legend Bessie Smith serenading sex in 1931, in a song written by the equally bad-ass Nina Simone. From those early 20th-century rebel blues on, popular music has been the perfect outlet for women to shamelessly celebrate female sexual pleasure. Even during the prudish Fifties, there was pop diva Dinah Washington singing about a ‘Big Long Slidin’ Thing’ and a decade later, Jane Birkin recorded the first female orgasm in a song with ‘Je t’aime… moi non plus’. Granted, there was a guy involved -French provocateur Serge Gainsbourg- but Jane’s moans broke a taboo by showing the world that yes, women actually do enjoy sex. A lot.

Glamour, the magical power of persuasion

Marlies Says

Glamour, the magical power of persuasion

by marlies|dekkers
This season, more is more as glamour is back with a glittery vengeance. But was it ever really away? Not for me! From Marlene Dietrich in a top hat to Beyoncé shaking her booty in glittery thigh-high boots; to me, glamour is timeless and has many faces. It is the magical dust that gives everyday life that golden sparkle. More importantly, when used well, glamour can actually change your life. It has definitely shaped mine…

More than a mother

Marlies Says

More than a mother

by marlies|dekkers

As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I became extremely aware of what I ate. After all, I was building a person, cell by cell! But even after those 9 months, even after I finished breastfeeding my daughter -who had grown gorgeously chubby on my milk- that awareness stayed. No matter how busy I was as a working mother, I made sure I spent quality time with Zilver, eating home-made quality food. Even if she sometimes preferred fast-food and sugary sodas…

Mother’s Day 2019

Marlies Says

Mother’s Day 2019

by marlies|dekkers

As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I became extremely aware of what I ate. After all, I was building a person, cell by cell! But even after those 9 months, even after I finished breastfeeding my daughter -who had grown gorgeously chubby on my milk- that awareness stayed. No matter how busy I was as a working mother, I made sure I spent quality time with Zilver, eating home-made quality food. Even if she sometimes preferred fast-food and sugary sodas…


Marlies Says


by marlies|dekkers

You know I’m a self-made woman who has made it her purpose to challenge women to dare. It’s an achievement I am immensely proud of, and for that reason I am equally proud to label myself a feminist. But looking back more than a hundred years, I’m even prouder of the progress women have made together.

Julia Child: the lady with the ladle

Females Forward

Julia Child: the lady with the ladle

by marlies|dekkers

Julia Child, the charismatic culinary legend who empowered women in the kitchen and beyond, was born on August 15th, 1912, in a posh LA-suburb called Pasadena. Her senses didn’t truly awaken, however, until she had a life-changing meal of oysters and sole meunière with her husband Paul in Rouen, which she described as « an opening up of the soul and spirit for me. » Aged 32, Julia signed up for the prestigious Cordon Blue cooking school where she found herself the only female student. “Up until then,” Julia said, “I just ate.”

Ringing in 2019!

Marlies Says

Ringing in 2019!

by marlies|dekkers

What a beautiful whirlwind 2018 has been! As I’m about to ring in the new year, I would like to take a moment and look back at an amazing year with you.


Marlies Says


by marlies|dekkers

To quote one of my favorite Christmas songs: it’s the most wonderful time of the year. The magical sights, sounds and smells, the sacred spirit of togetherness; I just can’t wait for my favorite season. So, I don’t!

QUEEN of pearls

Marlies Says

QUEEN of pearls

by marlies|dekkers

All my work as a feminist designer is inspired by muses. Powerful female icons from past and present. Although women have been marginalized for centuries, archetypes of female power have always been there. Through my designs, I bring them to you. To help us shape the world of modern-day feminism.

UNLOCK your potential

Marlies Says

UNLOCK your potential

by marlies|dekkers

Marlies to Zilver: When you look in the mirror, what do you see? No, I’m not talking about a quick peek to check your make-up or a stolen glance at a reflective store window. REALLY take a look. Get in front of a mirror, close your eyes, then slowly open them. Can you see YOU in your reflection? Or are you too fixated on the things you don’t like; that wrinkle by your left eye or those 5 extra kilos? We all have our physical insecurities, and if you want to fix them, go ahead! But starting now, I challenge you to focus on REAL confidence. The kind of confidence that makes you see your inner beauty shine through. The kind that makes you look at yourself and go…: “Damn, I love this woman!”

NO ONE like me

Marlies Says

NO ONE like me

by marlies|dekkers

As liberal and open-minded as Marlies Dekkers is now, during her childhood she was equally conservative. « Every night, I would be on my knees, praying my Hail Marys. » Still, that period is precious to her; it has shaped her into the power woman she is now. This year, Marlies celebrates being in business for 25 years, the perfect opportunity to look back at her milestones.

Governed by NO ONE

Marlies Says

Governed by NO ONE

by marlies|dekkers

Flame-haired, brave-hearted and always dressed to dazzle, Elizabeth the First, also known as England’s ‘Virgin Queen’, is one of the most unforgettable women in history. Her glorious reign is known as The Golden Age ~ a period that saw the birth of Shakespeare, the defeat of the Spanish Armada and the emergence of England as a world power. It lasted almost 45 years; Elizabeth’s legacy as a feminist icon however, has already spanned nearly 5 centuries. “My sex cannot diminish my prestige.”

Women’s Day 2019

Marlies Says

Women’s Day 2019

by marlies|dekkers

Happy Women’s Day! I am extra excited about this edition, because wow, what a year it’s been for feminism! This is the year that we went global; that we showed up with our money, our bodies, our time and our voices to show the world: this is OUR time!

Floating gardens

Marlies Says

Floating gardens

by marlies|dekkers

Did you know that Mexico City has its own Venice?  At only an hour’s drive from the fabulous chaos of the capital?

Did you know that Mexico City has its own Venice?  At only an hour’s drive from the fabulous chaos of the capital?

It’s called Xochimilco, meaning the ‘Place of the Flowers’ in Náhuatl, and floating down its famous green canals in a colorful, open air trajinera (gondola) while being serenaded by a band of trumpeting mariachis was one of the absolute highlights of my Mexico trip.

There I was, grooving to the infectious tunes, surrounded by relaxing locals and refreshment vendors offering delicious drinks and snacks from their boats: a Mexican fiesta on the water! This area, now recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is where the Aztecs built fertile riverbeds called chinampas, on which they were able to grow crops, thereby creating ‘Floating Gardens’. So, when you watch your boatman propel your bright-colored trajinera forward by pushing his long wooden pole in the canal, remember: in Xochimilco, you are not just traveling through water, you are traveling through time.

Sun, sand, scissor kicks

Marlies Says

Sun, sand, scissor kicks

by marlies|dekkers

I’m going on a trip and I’m bringing…
Well, unfortunately not my gorgeous personal trainer. But his sexy summer work out is a nice alternative. If you like torture, that is.


Marlies Says


by marlies|dekkers

You know I’m a self-made woman who has made it my purpose to challenge women to dare. It’s an achievement I am immensely proud of, and for that reason, I am equally proud to label myself a feminist. But looking back more than a hundred years, I’m even prouder of the progress women have made together.

The art of love!

Marlies Says

The art of love!

by marlies|dekkers

Get your creative juices flowing

This Valentine’s, don’t wait around for that love-note or those fancy chocolates to feel loved and desired. Express yourself to fall in love with yourself, now! 

Frida and I

Marlies Says

Frida and I

by marlies|dekkers

It was love at first sight, the first time I saw Frida Kahlo as a young teen. Those stubborn brows, those voluptuous flowers; this was a colourful outsider, a feminine rebel with a feminist cause, just like me! And, although we lived more than a half century apart, I felt in my heart of hearts that we shared an insatiable hunger for life, art and love. But what would really shape me was the realization that Frida wasn’t ashamed of what made her different. As a matter of fact, she celebrated it! 

« I was born a bitch, I was born a painter »

Marlies Says

« I was born a bitch, I was born a painter »

by marlies|dekkers

This season, I celebrate the colorful life and art of Frida Kahlo, Mexican painter, selfie-queen avant la lettre and original bad-ass Feminine Feminist. With her paintings, Frida liberated feminine themes of identity, sexuality and fertility from their stigma. With her insatiable lust for life, she still encourages generations of women to shamelessly express themselves.

(English) Happy Holidays – ADVENT(UROUS)

Marlies Says

(English) Happy Holidays – ADVENT(UROUS)

by marlies|dekkers

Do you remember as a child, excitedly ripping open the first door of your Advent Calendar to get to the scrumptious secret within? Well, I created something for you to regain that delicious excitement… and more!

Coming home for xmas

Marlies Says

Coming home for xmas

by marlies|dekkers

Confession: I am a total Xmas fanatic. I LIVE for the holiday season. While my usual taste can best be described as austere and intellectual, come Christmas, I’m into kitsch. Big time. Bring on the glitter, the glühwein and the sentimental songs!

Embrace your dark side – get inspired for Halloween

Marlies Says

Embrace your dark side – get inspired for Halloween

by marlies|dekkers

Imagine if there were a night where it would be socially acceptable to indulge your deepest darkest dreams. An annual opportunity for women to dress like their sexual fantasies – be it a blood-thirsty vampire or a flirtatious nun – without getting ‘slut shamed’. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Well there is a night just like that, and it happens to be one of my favorite moments of the year: Halloween.

My magic mold – nothing but the best for your boobs

Marlies Says

My magic mold – nothing but the best for your boobs

by marlies|dekkers

Let’s start with a little experiment. Take a marlies|dekkers bra and hold one of the cups by your ear. Squeeze it and let go. What did you hear? A gentle ‘pop’ as it bounced back? I like to compare it sound of a well-made car door closing, say that of a Mercedes. It’s subtle and right.

One perfect day in the city of Angels

Marlies Says

One perfect day in the city of Angels

by marlies|dekkers

I just love being an LA woman. There’s nothing like starting the day with a hike in the Hollywood Hills, followed by a green tea espresso, some vintage Gucci-hunting on Melrose, a dip in the ocean and a hot date at the Chateau Marmont. This is the place where I can go from being a fitgirl to a fashionista to a beach goddess to whatever the hell I want!

From marilyn’s guns to Gwyneth’s designer booty

Marlies Says

From marilyn’s guns to Gwyneth’s designer booty

by marlies|dekkers

So, strong is the new sexy. But is it really that new? Anyone who has seen pictures of Ginger Rogers’ killer legs or Marilyn Monroe lifting weights in her bikini knows that in Hollywood, fit has always been hot. A short history of the fit film diva.

Where the ‘queen of cups’ meets the ‘dress doctor’

Marlies Says

Where the ‘queen of cups’ meets the ‘dress doctor’

by marlies|dekkers

In art school, many years ago during a nude model drawing class, I had a life changing insight: What if I, as an artist, used a woman’s body as my canvas? If you make a painting, someone will hang it on their wall. If you design a chair, someone will sit on it. But if you design lingerie, someone will wear it, and by doing so, complete your art! I had found my mission.

My couture collection – a cross between magic and camouflage

Marlies Says

My couture collection – a cross between magic and camouflage

by marlies|dekkers

All my work as a feminist designer is inspired by muses. Powerful female icons from past and present. Although women have been marginalized for centuries, archetypes of female power have always been there. Through my designs, I bring them to you. To help us shape the world of modern-day feminism.

Mistress of transformation

Females Forward

Mistress of transformation

by marlies|dekkers

Some people call her the most important figure in the history of Hollywood costume design, to others she is the style maven who showed millions of women how to dress for success. But to me, Edith Head will always be the mistress of transformation. In the words of one of her star friends: “If Cinderella had Edith Head, she’d never have needed a Fairy Godmother.”

My Golden Combination

Marlies Says

My Golden Combination

by marlies|dekkers

Ever wondered why you feel so amazing in my swimwear? So comfortable and confident, so safe yet so sexy? What is the secret? Well, it all started in art school, many years ago, during a nude model drawing class…

In the realm of seduction

Marlies Says

In the realm of seduction

by marlies|dekkers

The Japanese, more than anyone else, know how to elevate the art of sensuality and seduction to a higher level. There are actually several Japanese movies that changed my (sex-)life. ‘Warm water under a red bridge’ for example, broke the taboo of female ejaculation in the sweetest, most poetic way.

Fake it to Make it

Marlies Says

Fake it to Make it

by marlies|dekkers

‘She paints her face to hide her face,’ Arthur Golden wrote in ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’. And sure enough, traditional geisha make up, with its snow white face, deep crimson lips and dramatically black eyes and brows, has the effect of a mask.

The art of seduction

Marlies Says

The art of seduction

by marlies|dekkers

No other woman on earth is as devoted to the art of seduction as the geisha. Just imagine: to be so masterful that you can cause accidents in the street with one simple gaze! So let’s learn from the best and re-awaken our inner femme fatale…

Valentine’s top tip

Marlies Says

Valentine’s top tip

by marlies|dekkers

With Valentine’s Day coming up, let’s talk #seduceyourself. To me, the summum of seduction is driving a man insane, just by exposing a glimpse of your wrist while pouring him tea. Can you imagine?

Female ejaculation

Marlies Says

Female ejaculation

by marlies|dekkers

Does the G-spot exist? Well, the ancient Greeks knew exactly where to look…and it gave a special meaning to the term ‘nectar of the gods’.

Fighting the power in our underwear

Marlies Says

Fighting the power in our underwear

by marlies|dekkers


From the suffocating corset and the burned bra to Madonna’s iconic cone-bra; the three  feminist movements have all used lingerie as a symbol for the cause. So, what’s next?

Waking up the Goddess in you

Marlies Says

Waking up the Goddess in you

by Marlies Dekkers

The goddess is back! From Nigella Lawson, self-acclaimed ‘Domestic Goddess’, to Jennifer Lopez whose (much younger)
lover adoringly talks about his ‘Sex Goddess’. And how about women everywhere using the term to affirm their sisterhood,
as in: ‘You go, goddess!’?

WIN my beach essentials!

Marlies Says

WIN my beach essentials!

by Marlies Dekkers

I love the beach and when it comes to my beach bag, I’m incredibly organised. A day spent in the sun, sand and waves? I’ve got the essentials! And now you have a chance to WIN my favourites!

Why Turning 50 Rocks!

Marlies Says

Why Turning 50 Rocks!

by marlies|dekkers

‘It took me 50 years to look this good.’ I always smile when I see that quote on t-shirts and birthday cards. Because you know what? It did take me 50 years to look and feel this good! Here’s how…

The Story: Gloria

Marlies Says

The Story: Gloria

by Marlies Dekkers

Oozing confidence, your unmistakable aura of seductive power commands the undivided attention of any audience…Awaken Your Senses

The Story: Calamity Jane

Marlies Says

The Story: Calamity Jane

by Marlies Dekkers

Galloping through the great outdoors with the wind in your hair, not knowing what lies ahead is what keeps you going… Awaken Your Senses.

The Story: Femme Fatale

Marlies Says

The Story: Femme Fatale

by Marlies Dekkers

Erotically charged, you remain in total control as you paint the town red, no matter what the night throws your way…Awaken Your Senses

Horny on Demand

Marlies Says

Horny on Demand

by Marlies Dekkers

What if there really was a machine or gadget that could turn you on with just a click? Well, one legendary Italian cartoonist made that idea look very sexy indeed…

Chanel & Paris. L’accord parfait.

Marlies Says

Chanel & Paris. L’accord parfait.

by Marlies Dekkers

Une alliance fabuleuse pour la femme avant-gardiste

J’adore Chanel ! Et cela va bien plus loin que de convoiter le dernier sac ou un t-shirt avec le fameux logo. J’aime l’esprit de la marque et la légende iconique qui se cache derrière : Gabrielle ‘Coco’ Chanel.

Voici ce que Coco répondit au duc de Westminster, l’un des hommes les plus riches d’Europe, qui lui demandait sa main : « Il y a eu plusieurs duchesses de Westminster, mais il n’y a qu’une seule Chanel. » Avec son style, son mode de vie et ses créations, elle mit tout en œuvre pour libérer les femmes.

Elle bannit les corsets, inventa la petite robe noire, et proposa à la femme active un uniforme stylé et pratique : le tailleur Chanel. Elle prouva que le luxe n’avait pas besoin d’apparats. Avec ses cheveux courts, son mode de vie sportif et son indépendance financière, elle a invité les femmes à célébrer leur féminité d’une façon radicalement novatrice et sexy.

J’ai acheté mon premier article Chanel il y a environ 10 ans : une paire de ses légendaires souliers bicolores (la version hauts talons, naturellement). À chaque fois que je les porte, j’admire la façon dont Coco a su allier le beige au noir si contrasté de l’embout, provoquant un effet flatteur unique, raccourcissant mon pied et allongeant ma jambe. C’est exactement ce que je veux offrir aux femmes avec ma marque marlies|dekkers : le confort et la classe, mais aussi et surtout : la confiance de pouvoir conquérir le monde.

Les femmes sur le devant de la scène : vive la France !

Marlies Says

Les femmes sur le devant de la scène : vive la France !

by Marlies Dekkers

J’aime faire du sport pour réguler à la fois mon humeur et mon tonus, mais aussi – et surtout – parce que cela me permet d’être au top dans ma robe Dolce & Gabana très près du corps. Quand je pense qu’à une certaine époque, les gens étaient persuadés que la pratique du sport rendrait les femmes moins féminines ! Je n’invente rien :les femmes n’ont pas pu participer aux premiers Jeux olympiques d’Athènes en 1896 car leur apparition y était jugée « peu pratique, inintéressante, inesthétique et incorrecte ». Ces mots sont du président des Jeux olympiques lui-même : le baron Pierre de Coubertin.


Fort heureusement, il n’eut pas son mot à dire à propos des participants aux Jeux olympiques de Paris, préparés 4 ans plus tard par les organisateurs de l’Exposition universelle. C’est ainsi que la France autorisa 22 femmes à participer dans 5 disciplines : le tennis, la voile, le croquet, l’équitation et le golf. Pas une plainte, pas une manifestation : un grand pas pour le féminisme !

C’est fou le chemin qu’on a fait depuis les anciens Jeux où les femmes étaient alors le prix (!) attribué dans les courses de chars, ce qui ne veut pas dire que la parité soit encore atteinte. Nous savons que les femmes ont participé à plus de 44 pour cent aux jeux olympiques de Londres de 2012, bien plus que les 23 pour cent des jeux de Los Angeles en 1984 et que les 13 petits pour cent des Jeux de Tokyo de 1964. Mais avant 2012, trois pays musulmans n’avaient jamais envoyé d’athlète féminine : le Qatar, Brunei et l’Arabie Saoudite. Ils n’ont cédé que sous la pression du Comité olympique.

J’ai l’espoir de voir le sport féminin recevoir un jour l’attention médiatique qu’il mérite, et les athlètes le même soutien que leurs collègues masculins. En attendant ce jour, je dédie mes exercices quotidiens aux héroïnes en jupe culotte des JO de Paris de 1900 !

A Boob Experiment

Marlies Says

A Boob Experiment

by Marlies Dekkers

“Please draw your own breasts and write one sentence explaining how you feel about them,” I asked 15 great women working for marlies|dekkers….


Marlies Says


by Marlies Dekkers

What is erotic? Mark Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook and gatekeeper of online content) may think just a nipple does the trick, but I believe that sometimes it takes more than a naked body to arouse erotic desire.

The Perfect Fit: Shake Your Bon Bons!

Marlies Says

The Perfect Fit: Shake Your Bon Bons!

by Marlies Dekkers

When you try on a bra, you usually stand and watch yourself in a mirror, right? You might bend forward a little, turn around slowly to see the bra from different angles, but that’s it. You like how it looks? You buy it.

Sun, sand, scissor kicks

Marlies Says

Sun, sand, scissor kicks

by Marlies Dekkers

I’m going on a trip and I’m bringing… well unfortunately not my gorgeous personal trainer. But his sexy summer work out is a nice alternative. If you like torture, that is.

Coco crazy

Marlies Says

Coco crazy

by Marlies Dekkers

Stranded on a deserted island? No problem! As long as I have a huge jar of organic virgin coconut oil with me. Let me tell of the many ways I use this multi-tasking miracle.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Marlies Says

Happy Mother’s Day!

by Marlies Dekkers

What does it mean to you to be a mother or a daughter? I find it very hard to punt into words, but a few years ago, I had a chance to put it into images.

Bikini babe at 80

Marlies Says

Bikini babe at 80

by Marlies Dekkers

Bikinis should only be worn by skinny young women, right? Wrong! My own mother proved that you’re never too old to overcome your bikini-fear.

Neptune’s bikini code

Marlies Says

Neptune’s bikini code

by Marlies Dekkers

You know that feeling? The closer you get to the sea, the stronger the urge to undress. But you don’t need to lose yourself completely..

Sexy Saffron

Marlies Says

Sexy Saffron

by Marlies Dekkers

Meet my latest spice obsession: saffron. A bright red spice so sensual and precious, I like to call it the Louboutin of the spice world.

Dare to go pro on your face; tips and tricks

Marlies Says

Dare to go pro on your face; tips and tricks

by Marlies Dekkers

During over 20 years in the business I got to watch the best make up artists work their magic. Such a thrill to see them completely transform people, including me! Still I encourage everybody to be their own make up maestro; we express ourselves with our clothes, why not with our make up? Here are some great tips and tricks I ‘stole’ from the professionals..

Sparkling La Source

Marlies Says

Sparkling La Source

by Marlies Dekkers

Paris, the city of love, great minds, pere Lachaise, fashion and arts.
I’ve been visiting Paris for almost thirty years and every time when I walk through this beautiful city, I have the irresistible need to pay a visit to a show in Opéra Garnier.

Pussy power: dare to start the vagina dialogues!

Marlies Says

Pussy power: dare to start the vagina dialogues!

by Marlies Dekkers

During my journey to get rid of the bladder infections that used to plague me, I visited doctors all over the world –mostly male- who told me the kind of nonsense that eventually made me feel like an exasperated Alice in Wonderland.

Dare to kiss

Marlies Says

Dare to kiss

by Marlies Dekkers

With each of my designs, I touch your body and trace your curves. I kiss you everywhere and leave my mark on you. And you, in return, breathe life into my lingerie.

Ready for my close up!  #frameyourbeauty

Marlies Says

Ready for my close up! #frameyourbeauty

by Marlies Dekkers

The “selfie” is something which has become a huge part of our modern culture. And I, a self-proclaimed selfie fanatic, could not have been happier. But to many the question remains: WHHYYYY???

Dare to be a kitchen goddess

Marlies Says

Dare to be a kitchen goddess

by Marlies Dekkers

I find cooking relaxing, grounding and even sexy. To quote writer Michael Pollan: ‘The very best cooking is a form of intimacy.’ And so I tell my friends to get back in the kitchen. Some follow my advice, others tell me I’m crazy. Like my dear friend Heleen van Royen.

Dare to be a Spice Girl; going gaga for ginger

Marlies Says

Dare to be a Spice Girl; going gaga for ginger

by Marlies Dekkers

It was Queen Elizabeth’s favorite spice, and it’s a well- known remedie for nausea and the common cold. But did you know that ginger can drive you wild with desire? First, let me show you how to make the perfect ginger tea..

Dare to Bare; the story of my ‘Bare Bottom Dress’

Marlies Says

Dare to Bare; the story of my ‘Bare Bottom Dress’

by Marlies Dekkers

What do you want to tell the world? In order to find out, sometimes you have to bare your soul. For me, it all came together when I designed my ‘Bare Bottom Dress’. Read what happened when I put my dress –now a museum piece- to the test in Amsterdam’s Red light district.

I believe in an honest self-reflection

Marlies Says

I believe in an honest self-reflection

by marlies|dekkers

Almost a new year, for a lot of people the time to make up their new year resolutions. Not for me. I look back on what happened the past year and take the time for some honest and important self-reflection.

I believe in challenges

Marlies Says

I believe in challenges

by Marlies Dekkers

From a young age I’ve done all kinds of sports. I’m an active person who likes to challenge myself. But I came to the shocking conclusion that I used to sport like a girl…

I believe in a heart-ship connection

Marlies Says

I believe in a heart-ship connection

by Marlies Dekkers

In life you meet all kind of people. With some you have a superficial connection, others you forget after a while, but the best ones are those who touch your heart and complement your life.

I believe in turning yourself on

Marlies Says

I believe in turning yourself on

by Marlies Dekkers

According to a recent study, ‘men have more varied sexual fantasies than women’. We have some catching up to do, ladies! Let’s start now, by taking that sexy selfie one step further.

My Final Maestro Memory

Marlies Says

My Final Maestro Memory

by Marlies Dekkers

Classical music means everything to me. I wake up and go to bed with it. My participation at Maestro gave me the opportunity to immerge in the world of great composer in which I find so much joy.

My Beliefs

Marlies Says

My Beliefs

by Marlies Dekkers

My story starts with a motto. A motto which I have for more than 20 years. It has always inspired me but most of all I want to inspire others with my saying; dare to dream, dare to grow, dare to be.

My intimate moment at Maestro

Marlies Says

My intimate moment at Maestro

by Marlies Dekkers

I’m still in the running to become a Maestro and they gave me the ultimate test to stay concentrated. I had to conduct with one of the biggest harp players of the world. Something happened during the show, which made me forget the entire orchestra and audience.

Show the world all your talents

Marlies Says

Show the world all your talents

by Marlies Dekkers

We had to do a new photoshoot and while searching for the right team I suddenly thought, I should make the photos myself! Being a creative means sometimes having ideas in your head which are hard to explain to others.

Feeling like being twenty again doesn’t come easy

Marlies Says

Feeling like being twenty again doesn’t come easy

by marlies|dekkers

When I became 45 I wanted to give myself a birthday present. What would make me really happy? It would be great if I could give myself another 10 years of the energy level I had at that moment. I collected a team around me with specialists, personal trainers and nutritional experts, to help me with this goal.

Trying to become a Maestro!

Marlies Says

Trying to become a Maestro!

by Marlies Dekkers

For a television program I am competing with 8 other Dutch personalities to become THE “Maestro”. The last few weeks have been nerve wrecking; I found my new passion.

My week; an inside look

Marlies Says

My week; an inside look

by Marlies Dekkers

I never have a week with a same sort of agenda as the week before, or the week ahead. That’s because I sometimes live the life of four different people.

Showing less or more butt?

Marlies Says

Showing less or more butt?

by Marlies Dekkers

I have the most amazing daughter in the whole wide world, let’s start with that. But sometimes I feel there’s a difference between what we both perceive as being normal.

My dose of art

Marlies Says

My dose of art

by Marlies Dekkers

As much as I have a love for fashion designers, beautiful fabrics and craftsmanship, I also have a love for spending my time visiting exhibitions and wandering through museums.

Private space

Marlies Says

Private space

by Marlies Dekkers

Is her house as fashionable as her lingerie…? Well, let me take you on a tour through my (lingerie) closet.

Art from the heart

Marlies Says

Art from the heart

by Marlies Dekkers

I was invited to make a contribution for a charity auction. They asked me to take pictures of things that I love deeply. The result would be a unique piece of art reflecting my heart.

Smile, explore, discover and share..

Marlies Says

Smile, explore, discover and share..

by Marlies Dekkers

"Me!", astronomer and explorer Merieme Chadid (born in 1969) answered with a dazzling smile during a recent interview, when she was asked who had been her biggest inspiration and influence.