All for the sisterhood

All for the sisterhood

by marlies|dekkers

Boss bitch, feminine feminist, body positive pioneer; over the course of the past 30 years, Marlies Dekkers has been called many things. Proud to call her my dear, dear friend myself, I sat down with the Anniversary Queen to toast to three decades of trailblazing, but also to explore the many wonderful ways she has shaped the world we live in today.

Beertje: : „It’s your world, we’re just living in it.“ Dean Martin once said this to Frank Sinatra, but I feel I can tell you the same thing. Since you started out 30 years ago, with the perfect bra and a mission to empower women, you have been pioneering themes that became a huge influence on the way women see themselves and their position in the world. Let’s start with feminism, and in particular, feminine feminism. Remember when ‚feminist‘ was considered a bit of an insult?

Marlies:Yes, and now it’s a badge of honor, emblazoned on our shirts! But to me, feminism is – and will always be – about having equal rights and responsibilities. It’s about having a sense of agency which, in our current climate of glorified victimhood, is more important than ever. I also realized early on that our femininity, long seen as our weakness, is actually our superpower. To harness that power, I started making lingerie that was so supportive, flattering and sensual from a woman’s point of view, that you couldn’t help but fall in love with your reflection in the mirror. Lingerie that makes you feel like you can conquer the world, in any role you want.

Beertje: Like a Wonder Woman uniform, but underneath your clothes.

Marlies: Exactly. You often hear about businesswomen rocking marlies|dekkers in the boardroom as a private form of power dressing, but I also know surgeons who feel extra strong and focused when they wear it in the operating room, and even a soldier who told me that knowing that her favorite set is underneath her uniform gives her the confidence to stand up for herself in a man’s world. Hearing great examples of feminine feminism like this, from across the generations, makes me feel like I’ve done something right (laughs).

Beertje: You sure have! Let’s talk about body positivity, another movement you’ve helped shape.

Marlies: Growing up, I saw how beauty standards had made women extremely self-judgmental. I chose instead to see my body as a gift from nature, looking at myself and other women the way I look at trees; each one of us beautiful in our own unique way. Perfect with all our so-called ‚imperfections‘. Consequently, I designed my lingerie to highlight the beauty of all different body types, giving women the confidence to get fit, healthy and happy. Rather than just size up or down, like most companies do, I adjust the design to be super flattering for every shape, while also insisting on a very broad of range of sizes, so every woman can feel included.

Beertje: I love how your inclusivity also applies to women at different stages in life; from puberty to menopause, from pregnancy to sickness. I have such fond memories of modeling your nursing bras for you with my then 3-month-old daughter. And I talked to a lot of breast cancer survivors and previvors who told me your post-surgery bra helped them feel feminine again.

Marlies: It’s during those milestones that we recalibrate our femininity and our relationship with our bodies. And with lingerie playing an important role in that, I feel I’ve been able to walk hand in hand with so many of you during these past decades.

Beertje: What do you see as your biggest accomplishment?

Marlies: Every time I design a collection, I have to think two years ahead. What will women need to feel empowered? One season, it could be something strong and graphic, like my iconic straps. A year later, we may feel more confident in a flirtier, more romantic look. For 30 years now I’ve been able to forecast and design the future, giving women confidence, inviting them to join my sisterhood and shape the times with me. I’ve received many awards and dressed many celebrities, but that sisterhood is my biggest pride and accomplishment. So, thank you for always being there for me. You are my tribe. This anniversary is also very much your party!

Beertje: I’ll toast to that! Thank you, Marlies!

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