Pack my bags and off I  go!

Pack my bags and off I go!

by Marlies Dekkers
My Fall/Winter season will be marked by many, many business trips! Can’t wait to get myself on a plane again, tell people about my brand and, more importantly, show world-class stylists all my latest creations.

Yes, I love being a business traveler and am not afraid to call myself somewhat of a pro when it comes to being a fashionable one.

Wanna know my secret? Before every season starts, I sit down, have a look at my schedule and make myself a must-have-and-must-sees-list. Combining fashion, business and pleasure. Very simple. Very practical. And very crucial when you have a schedule like mine. Below you’ll find my holy List for the upcoming season. My gift to all you other busy ladies. Get inspired & save time!

Most loved
Building bridges

MD Friends

Building bridges

by marlies|dekkers

From the Erasmus Bridge and the Mercedes-Benz Museum to Qatar’s metro network; Ben van Berkel’s iconic landmarks bring people together in rapturous beauty, again and again. I talked with the Dutch architect and educator about sensuality, ‘healthy’ buildings and the remarkable parallels between our designs.

More than a feeling

MD Friends

More than a feeling

by marlies|dekkers

Don’t ignore your emotions; they are much more powerful than you can imagine. By linking the magical world of emotions with hard science, Dutch scientist Pierre Capel, professor emeritus in experimental immunology, shows us the consequences of our feelings and the power of our minds. The message: we can do much more than we think. “Meditate. It’s the single best thing you can do for your health.”

Keto curious?

Marlies Says

Keto curious?

by marlies|dekkers

The fact that I feel bikini-confident all year round is, of course, a nice bonus. But for me, the biggest payoff of following the keto diet is the way it optimizes my health and gives me tons of energy.

Super (skin) food

Marlies Says

Super (skin) food

by marlies|dekkers

‘If you can’t eat it, why put it on your skin?’. I pretty much live by this beauty adage. After all, with your skin being one of your body’s largest organs, anything – and I mean anything! – you put onto your skin will end up in your bloodstream.