Merel Krielaart

Merel Krielaart

by marlies|dekkers

To me, Merel Krielaart is the ultimate real-life Mother Earth. Traveling, living, and working with her colorful family, this Dutch-born beauty has turned her bohemian lifestyle into a hugely successful brand: World Family Ibiza. On top of that, Merel is one of the hottest grey–haired beauty icons of the moment. I wanted to find out: what is this earth mama’s secret?

Marlies: I believe we are at our most beautiful when we are pursuing our dreams. And Merel, you are gorgeous, inside and out; so full of energy and life! It definitely looks like you are living your dream life. Howdid you make that happen?

Merel: Thank you, Marlies! It’s funny, because on the one hand, I always went with the flow. I had a brain for studying but I was too creative and free to fit in. So, I left for New York where I had a wild time partying it up; painting, modeling, writing poetry. I traveled the world and took a lot of fun detours to get where I am now: living and working with my extended family – my ’tribe’ – on a mountain on Ibiza. But looking at a drawing I made at seven years old, of myself on a farm with a whole bunch of children and washing lines filled with colorful clothes, I realize that this life was actually my dream from the beginning! And I have always said that I wanted ten children.

Marlies: And now you have six!

Merel: I had my first child at 24 but believe me; if I had started at 18, I would have had ten for sure! (laughs)

Marlies: You are even a grandmother now while one of your daughters is still a teenager. (By the way, I love the fact that you named one of them ‘Gaya’ after the ancient Greek Mother Earth!). You also look after your mother. The way you live, together with four generations, supporting each other, is pretty rare nowadays. But I actually believe this may be the way Mother Earth intends us to live. For example, anti–ageing research has shown that people living in communities similar to yours have longer, healthier lives. Which definitely seems to be working out that way for you!

Merel: Looking after my 87–year–old mother could potentially make me feel much older if I didn’t have two younger generations living with me. Now, I am constantly switching between very different roles: the esponsible daughter, the crazy (grand) mother, the loving wife. It’s so dynamic and fun. Often, all of us will just be dancing around the kitchen being silly together. Moments like that keep me young for sure. I mean, sometimes I even forget my age! A little while ago, I was biking through Bangkok with my daughter Goldie when I heard a wolf–whistle. For a split second, I assumed it was for me, but seeing my grey hair in a window reflection, I quickly realized it was for Goldie and had a good laugh at myself!

Marlies: How did you convince your children to join you in this back–to–nature lifestyle?

Merel: It was a completely organic process. For the first five years, we lived in a tipi and after that in a camper, always very close together. When we finally did get a proper house, everybody was still sleeping right on top of each other! We now live on the same mountain, still incredibly close, but some of us have their own yurt or caravan. There are times when someone will leave the nest for a bit, but they always come back to the tribe. Our children are our children in the first place, but they are also our best friends. We are so lucky.

Marlies: Even though I have only one daughter, I can totally relate to that! Besides running your clothing and accessory brand World Family Ibiza with your husband and children, you do quite a bit of modeling. With your beautiful grey hair and filler-free face, you are a poster child for natural ageing. What is your secret for growing old gracefully?

Merel: I don’t think anyone enjoys getting wrinkles. I certainly don’t! But you can either get it fixed or accept it and move on, which is what I do. To me, it’s all about being in sync with your age. I’m a grandmother, I’m 55 years old, and I am fully engaged with this phase of my life. Because of that, I am very comfortable in my own skin. But you don’t need to have children to have a sense of purpose in your life. Like you said in the beginning of our conversation, you need the courage to pursue your dreams. That bucket list? Live it! That’s when you will truly shine, in any phase of your life!

Marlies: Well, keep on shining, Merel; you’re an inspiration to many of us. Thank you!


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