Females Forward
Did you know gender equality has never been so close? I created #FemalesForward to inspire you to move forward. This space is dedicated to all you modern-day feminists. Here I’ll keep you updated about female affairs, female feats and loads of female inspiration. Get yourself inspired by my news, interviews, tips and more.
Females Forward
The mysterious life of Pamela Noman
For well over a century now, her images have touched the hearts and lives of millions of people. Yet hardly anybody knows her name. Meet Pamela 'Pixie' Colman Smith, the feminist artist whose life story is as mysterious and magical as the iconic Tarot deck she created.
Females Forward
A greener planet, dare to care!
Outstanding designs, a perfect fit and excellent quality have been our unique selling points from day one. Together with our partners, we strive to make high-quality and durable products, putting lots of love and effort into the process to make sure you can wear our lingerie and swimwear for years. Why? Because we care. About you and about the environment. Your favorite marlies|dekkers bra doesn't just support you physically; it supports you emotionally as well. Your 'lucky' bra - the one you like to wear to important meetings - boosts not only your silhouette, but also your confidence. Worth making them last as long as possible, don't you think? We asked our experts how to best take care of your beloved items in three different stages:
Females Forward
Pole to pole
Even though there are no new continents to be discovered, you can still unlock your inner explorer. Think about it: how often do step out of your comfort zone? When was the last time you had an adventure? If you've been living your life on automatic pilot, NOW is the time to challenge yourself. Sounds scary? Duh, that's the whole idea! Here are seven 'micro adventures' to shake up your day-to-day (so you are ready to one day shake up the world):
Females Forward
Bringing females forward
It’s no coincidence that the abbreviation of our Bringing Females Forward program is BFF – it was initiated to give women across our value chain the confidence to become their own BFFs and give themselves permission to fly. The saying ’empowered women empower women’ in action.
Females Forward
Worn by women, made by women
‘Women-owned businesses’ may be a hot topic right now, but from the beginning – over 25 years ago! – Marlies had a very clear goal: to make a product for women, by women. A product that would not only empower the women who wore it, but also the women involved in making it. Since then, we have built a number of precious relationships with women all along our supply chain, based on mutual love, respect and empowerment. Time to put the spotlight on five heroes of our ’empowerment chain’.
Females Forward
The many lives of Lee Miller
From the cover of Vogue to the bathtub of Hitler; feminine feminist Lee Miller’s life story is like a movie with many unbelievable plot twists. But behind the icon and queen of self-reinvention was a woman of flesh and blood – fierce and flawed, damaged but defiant. A woman like you and me. « I looked like an angel, but I was a fiend inside ».
Females Forward
Ancient Indonesian beauty secrets
I don’t remember if it happened while I was blissing out during a Balinese beauty treatment or when I was floating in a divine infinity pool* on Nusa Lembongan. But at some point during my holiday in Indonesia I realized: this is where the goddesses themselves come to get pampered! Long before ‘self–care’ and ‘clean beauty’ were
even a thing, ancient Indonesian wellness remedies and treatments were passed on from generation to generation, based on the magic and bounty of Mother Earth. The great news? You don’t have to get on a plane to experience them!
From the healing massage and herbal scrub to the skin–boosting elixir; do try these at home for a great summer glow. Just don’t forget the most important ingredient: a gentle smile that shows your gratitude to Mother Earth.
* You can find the pool and a number of gorgeous, beach-front villas at the heavenly Beach Shack at Sandy Bay. A must-visit!
Females Forward
Women’s Day
(Eco-) Feminism in numbers
I once saw a woman wear a badge with a very catchy slogan: ‘Destroy the patriarchy, not the planet’. As radical
as that may have sounded, she made a great point: there is definitely a connection between the exploitation of women and the exploitation of Mother Earth. To quote Ana Sandoval, a land defender and feminist activist from Guatemala: « In the end, all the struggles have the same objective: the defense of life. » This Women’s Day, let’s celebrate both feminism and the green movement for fighting hand in hand to protect and empower the voiceless. Here are some poignant statistics to inspire you. Happy Women’s Day!
Females Forward
Valentine’s Day – Rebel at Heart
For some people, love grows slowly. « Like a beautiful flower, opening its petals one by one, » they’ll swoon. How peaceful that must be! When I fall in love, it’s the opposite of peaceful. Flowers blossoming? More like fireworks exploding! In my face! As soon as love hits me, I see the world through rose–colored glasses. Everything looks more brilliant, more beautiful, more alive. Normally a minimalist, I now go for anything pink, gold and glittery. And I’ll break more than just style rules. For my love, I’ll break any rules. My rebel heart has woken up.
Females Forward
Merel Krielaart
To me, Merel Krielaart is the ultimate real-life Mother Earth. Traveling, living, and working with her colorful family, this Dutch-born beauty has turned her bohemian lifestyle into a hugely successful brand: World Family Ibiza. On top of that, Merel is one of the hottest grey–haired beauty icons of the moment. I wanted to find out: what is this earth mama’s secret?
Females Forward
Goddess Freya
Is it a plane? Is it a bird? Oh, it’s something much more exciting, the most glamorous sighting you’ll ever see: goddess Freya, racing her golden cat–drawn chariot through the sky. She’s blindingly beautiful, and boy, does she know it. Throwing her head back in laughter, she shakes a trail of spring flowers from her cascading locks. When she cries in extasy, her tears turn into pure gold. If you’ve got it, flaunt it! Some days, she turns her magical cloak of falcon feathers into wings to jet through the sky, other times she rides a boar, rumored to be her human lover in disguise. Speaking of lovers, there are so many! « Men, they are just too delicious, » she says rolling her eyes, then flashing a blinding smile. Not war god Odin, but Freya, the fearless leader of the Valkyries*, has the first pick among the brave warriors who died in battle. The chosen ones are welcomed in Freya’s magnificent hall, the rest go to Valhalla.
Females Forward
Running against the biological clock – Cynthia Monteleone
Running on the tracks in her signature Wonder Woman outfit, a red hibiscus behind her ear, multiple world champion track athlete Cynthia Monteleone looks like a bona fide superhero. And indeed, during the indoor world championships in 2019, the track star accomplished something seemingly supernatural: in 400–meter sprint, she broke her personal record set 24 years ago! How did she do it? In her book, ‘Fast over 40: a memoir and training guide’ Cynthia tells us all, but I was lucky enough to have a one–on–one conversation with the anti–ageing icon.
Females Forward
Goddess Melissa
Who run this mother? Girls, of course, but let’s not forget about the bees! According to the latest ‘buzz’, bees pollinate nearly three quarters of the plants that produce 90% of the world’s food (!), but our ancestors already realized how essential these magical golden creatures are to our survival. There have always been Bee Goddesses; voluptuous Anatolian divinities wearing beehive–shaped tiaras and feisty Hindu honey goddesses with a venomous sting. Yet nobody adored them as much as the ancient Greeks who had a cult of bee goddesses, nymphs and priestesses – an entire ‘hive’! – all sharing the same name: Melissa.
Females Forward
Goddess Nüwa
The body of a snake, the spirit of a tigress, the power to create life. Meet long–haired beauty Nüwa, aka the Chinese Mother Earth. Creating animals and humans out of clay and controlling all the elements, this beloved serpent goddess had powers that equaled and even surpassed those of any male god. And, like any woman, Nüwa loved to surprise. A proto–feminist icon with a twist in the tail.
Females Forward
Goddess Xochi-Quetzal
I sometimes wonder: how different would our lives have been if, after committing the original sin, only Adam would have been punished? What if Eve would have been allowed to stay and party in paradise, having sex with whomever she pleased? Would women have been freer, more sexually liberated? Would we have had more fun?
Females Forward
The Goddess Connection – Bettany Hughes
Was God once a girl? For the award–winning historian, author and broadcaster Bettany Hughes, this question was the start of a ‘magical history tour’ to uncover the hidden stories of the feminine divine. Through her series and books such as ‘Venus and Aphrodite, history of a goddess’, the British professor shares the kind of insights that may just wake up your inner goddess.
Females Forward
Goddess Lalita
In ancient times, earth goddesses ruled the world. With the emergence of patriarchy around 1500 years ago, however, they were dethroned in all but one place: India. In Hinduism, goddess energy, aka ‘Shakti’, is considered the foundation of life itself – the creative force that is responsible for the creation, nurturing and destruction of the universe. With a wild and heartfelt passion, this feminine life force has been worshipped throughout the ages in India in the shape of goddesses, as diverse and colorful as the real–life women who inspired them, from graceful Durga to fearsome Kali. Of all the Hindu goddesses who embody love, Lalita (‘She who plays’) may be my favorite. In a playful yet passionate way, she urges us to love: ourselves, each other and perhaps most importantly, the earth.
Females Forward
Green heart, feminist soul
When feminist ideals meet environmental goals, beautiful things can blossom. I believe this season’s gorgeous Mother Earth collection is the ultimate proof of that. But how did we make it happen?
Females Forward
Celebrating our sensuality
Once upon a time, women were divine, and so were their juices. Whether it was our milk or our blood or that beautiful liquid known as ‘nectar of the gods’; we flowed freely and without shame, our feminine powers lourishing. Now is the perfect moment to reclaim those powers. Let’s become forces of nature again! Are you ready to tame the shame and join the juicy revolution?
Females Forward
Goddess Kupala
The story of Kupala, the Slavic goddess of summer solstice, is an ironic love story. How else to call a love tragedy that has been inspiring a wild annual celebration of love and sensuality for as long as people in Russia and Eastern Europe can remember?
Females Forward
Goddess Asase Yaa
Did you know that each zebra’s stripes are unique? Just like no two human fingerprints are alike, no two zebras have the same stripe pattern. Asase Yaa, Mother Earth of the Ashanti people of Ghana, loves us all: humans, animals, and plants. And whether we have stripes or spots, leaves or limbs; she loves us all equally. From her womb, she gives birth to us. Into her arms, she takes us at the moment of our death. Want to pray to her? There are no temples for Asase Yaa, no priests to serve her. You go to a field, kiss the soil, fertilize it with your tears. She’ll hear you. She is earth itself.
Females Forward
Inspired by Mother Earth
My muse for this season, Mother Earth, has many names and faces. But one thing is beyond question: she is beautiful. Breathtakingly, mind–blowingly beautiful. ‘A beautiful, warm, living object’ is how Apollo– program astronaut James B Irwin described her, claiming that seeing the earth from above ‘will change any man’. Over 2000 years earlier, the ancient Greeks considered her a robust, ‘broad– bosomed’ beauty and called her Gaia, a poetical form of ‘gē’ meaning ‘earth’. (You may recognize the root ‘ge’ from words like geology and geography). On Greek vases, we see a full–figured Gaia rise from the earth, representing everything that lives. She is loving and fearsome at the same time, just like mothers have appeared to their children since the beginning of humanity. She is the creative/destructive energy of life itself. The message is clear: you don’t wanna mess with this’big momma’!
Females Forward
Goddess Gaia
The French like to say that God created women, but the ancient Greeks knew better: it was woman who created the gods. Well, perhaps not exactly a living breathing woman like you and I, but the great mother of gods and people, animals, and plants, personified by earth itself. The Greeks liked to describe her as ‘broad–bosomed’ and ‘many–flowered’; an ‘all–nourisher’ and ‘all–destroyer’. To them, she was the ultimate goddess of raw, maternal power. She was worshipped in caves and by springs where her life–giving water burst forth like milk from breasts or menstrual blood. They called her Gaia: the one we are born from and fed by, but also the one we return to when we die. The original Big Mama.
Females Forward
You go Goddess
Modern–day issues require new, modern–day goddesses. Who else to pray to for your dream job, body confidence or an internet–breaking Instagram post? Meet the up–to–date divinities who can help you become your sassiest, sexiest, most successful self.
Females Forward
Goddess Inanna
What if we loved our vulvas so much, we would applaud each time we looked in the mirror? Well, get ready for some 6000–year–old sex– and body positivity in the gorgeous shape of Inanna, Sumerian* goddess of love, sex and political power! ‘The lady of the Largest Heart’, Inanna was called by high priestess Enheduanna, the earliest known author of written literature. She is described as stunning, flanked by lions, dazzling with gold and jewels, and then there was her incredible vulva… « When she leaned against the apple tree, her vulva was wondrous to behold, » the priestess writes. « Rejoicing at her wondrous vulva, the young woman Inanna applauded herself. » You go, goddess!
Females Forward
Happy feminist birthday
Why celebrating your birthday is a feminist act.
Females Forward
Anne Bonny: the original Lady Liberty
By shaking off society’s rules, legendary female pirate Anne Bonny inspired many generations of women to take their destinies into their own hands. But could anyone ever have imagined that this ‘swashbuckling savage’ would become THE symbol of feminism and freedom?
Females Forward
Anne Bonny – ‘The Pirate Queen’
A glorious, red-haired wrecking ball, Anne Bonny was born to break all the rules. Rejecting a society that treated women as weak, the Irish-born badass created her own, roaming and robbing the Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy with her (lesbian) lovers, becoming the most famous female pirate of all time.
Females Forward
Jacqotte Delahaye – ‘Back from the Dead Red’
Once upon a time, in Haiti, there was a girl with hair red as fire. ‘Jacquotte’ she was called, and she was as badass as they come. Her mother died in childbirth and when her father got brutally murdered, young Jacquotte was left alone to care for her disabled brother. What job opportunities were there for adventurous, strong-willed girls in the 17th century? That’s right, not a whole lot. And so, Jacquotte became a pirate. Even better, she became a feminist heroine.
Females Forward
Three modern pirates
They may not wear eye patches or have a parrot on their shoulder, but these modern-day she-pirates are making waves and shifting paradigms, in the same swashbuckling spirit as the pirates of yesteryear. Watch out, world!
Females Forward
Cheng I Sao – ‘Madame Cheng’
From prostitute to powerful commander; this is the incredible story of Cheng I Sao – not only the most successful pirate (male or female!), but also the most badass ladyboss in history. Born close to the water in modern-day Guangzhou, the young Shi Yang understood early on that pearls don’t just lie on the seashore; you have to dive for them. And so she did!
Females Forward
Jeanne de Clisson – ‘The Lioness of Brittany’
In the mid 1400s, French sailors who saw blood red sails emerging from the fog knew it meant one thing. They were about to die. After all, noble-woman-turned-pirate Jeanne de Clisson built her notorious ‘Black Fleet’ for only one reason: to avenge her husband’s death. And in this, she showed absolutely no mercy. Blood for blood.
Females Forward
Grace O’Malley – ‘She-King of the Irish Seas’
The feminist folklore of Grace O’Malley begins in her childhood, when she begged her chieftain/pirate father to take her along on an expedition to Spain. When he refused, saying ‘her hair would get caught in the ropes’, Grace chopped off her mane. Bam! From now on, she was known as ‘Granuaile Mhaol’ , Irish for ‘Grace with the cropped hair’.
Females Forward
Teuta of Illyria – ‘Teuta the Untamable’
Part history, part legend, 100% badass; living over 2 millennia ago, Pirate Queen Teuta of the Illyrians is still a feminist symbol of hardcore bravery.
Females Forward
Sadie ‘The Goat’ Farrell – ‘The Queen of the Waterfront’
Some girls want to be princesses when they grow up; Sadie Farrell had a different dream: to become a pirate, and the meanest one at that! Growing up in the crime-filled slums of Victorian New York, Sadie knew how to throw a punch. Described as ‘slight of build, but mean and vicious’ (surely a euphemism for ‘skinny bitch’) she became a ruthless mugger at a young age and even developed a legendary signature move: headbutting her victims in the stomach. It earned her her fighting name ‘Sadie the Goat’.
Females Forward
Sayyida al-Hurra – ‘Pirate Queen of Morocco’
She wasn’t called Sayyida al-Hurra at birth. It was a title she would earn, based on her fearlessness and fierce intelligence: ‘Lady who is free and independent’. But it was thanks to her badass pirating, that she would forever be known as the ‘Pirate Queen of Morocco’.
Females Forward
Princess Alfhild – ‘The Pirate Princess’
This is a story of a princess in an ivory tower… with a twist! Because this princess, rather than ride off into the sunset with her prince on the white horse, became a formidable Viking pirate, leading a fleet of rebel pirate girls.
Females Forward
Anne Dieu-le-Veut
Anne Dieu-le-Veut’s incredible story? It’s all there in her ‘nom de guerre’*: her spirit, her creed, her life. ‘Dieu-le-Veut’ means ‘as god wants it’, meaning that when Anne wanted something, her will was so strong, it was as if the gods themselves wanted it too! Born Marie-Anne Dominique du Pres in 1661 in Brittany, France, we may assume that her early years were not exactly smooth. When we first read about Anne, she is being taken ‘off the streets’ and deported to the Caribbean. This was part of a program that imported prostitutes for local French buccaneers, hoping that they would give up pirating and settle down as farmers with their new wives. Well, when she arrives in freebooter heaven Tortuga, farming seems to be the last thing on feisty Anne’s mind.
Females Forward
Mary Read – ‘Mark Read’
Being a pirate is all about bending the rules, and for Mary Read that very much included gender rules. One half of the dynamic, swashbuckling Pirate Queen duo of Mary Read and Anne Bonny (see Couture), this warrior woman excelled in not one, but two male-dominated careers: the navy and piracy. She fell in love with both men and women. And she identified sometimes as a woman – Mary – and sometimes as a man: Mark. Centuries before the terms ‘feminism’ and ‘gender fluidity’ were invented, Mary was living them. Ferociously.
Females Forward
Turn up the self-love this Valentine’s Day
Whether you are single or not, celebrate this Valentine’s Day by starting a life-long romance… with yourself! To get you inspired, I am sharing some nuggets of self-love wisdom from our Self-Love Show, a series of fun, lively conversations I had on Instagram Live with some of my favorite feminine feminists. Get ready to turn up the self-love!
Females Forward
Work it, slay it, pin it and say it!
Do you consider yourself a Feminine Feminist? Do you believe we can have it all? And are you ready to say it loud and proud? Then get right to the ‘point’ with these empowering pins!
Females Forward
Happy international Women’s Day!
For over a century, March 8 has marked a special day for women across the world – and this year’s International Women’s Day promises to be extra epic!
Females Forward
Cleopatra: Drama Queen or fearless female leader?
She was born in 69 BC in Alexandria, and when she passed away 39 years later, Queen Cleopatra VII had ruled Egypt for 22 years with more courage and charisma than most male leaders before her. A shrewd strategist, a skilled diplomat and a dazzling self-promoter, she had been the last and greatest Egyptian pharaoh. With glamour and grandeur, Cleopatra had claimed her role in world politics, controlling nearly the entire eastern Mediterranean coast at the height of her power.
Females Forward
Singles Day 2020
All the single ladies, listen up! With single women rapidly becoming the majority, it is high time to stop feeling singled out. On Singles Day, let’s celebrate our freedom and independence by sharing all those solo milestones that make us go: ‘You’ve got this!’.
Females Forward
Read the story of Casey, breast cancer previvor
“In some ways I feel like having surgery has made me accept my body more. I have all these scars, the illusion of being able to be perfect has been shattered. So I can either accept that, or I can hide away. I would rather learn to accept it.”
Females Forward
Mystery girl Agatha Christie
Imagine Agatha Christie, and you probably see her most famous female detective, Miss Marple: a neat old lady, snowy white hair, tweeds and pearls. Don’t be fooled! The woman who sold 2 billion copies of her books in 104 languages – outselling even the bible and William Shakespeare- lead a life filled with passion, fast-paced adventures and the wildest plot twists. “I had the firm conviction that, if I went about looking for adventure, adventure would meet me halfway.”
Females Forward
From a basket of crabs to sisterhood – Milou Deelen & Daan Borrel
My goal, ever since I started designing lingerie over 25 years ago, is to empower women. However, I have noticed -and you might have too- that women tend to bring each other down instead. Gossiping, judging, slut shaming, you name it. Feminist authors Milou Deelen and Daan Borrel noticed it as well, and decided to investigate further. In their brand new book ‘Krabben – woman to woman’ they compare women to a basket full of crabs, trying to climb out of the basket and pushing each other down along the way. Where does the term ‘basket full of crabs’ come from, why do women still do this, and what about men? I had the pleasure to ask them everything.
Females Forward
It’s safe to say that our lives have changed over the past few months… BIG TIME. Contrary to the freedom that we were used to, we now find ourselves restricted. The world that we live in is changing, and so we have to change our ways. But remember that we are all facing the same challenges. Let’s connect and support each other with understanding, inspiration and motivation. We’re in this together, and we’ll get through this together.
Females Forward
feminine feminism in numbers
Who run the world? You, me and Béyonce have known the answer to that question for a very long time: girls. But has the rest of the world caught up yet? When we look at the state of women’s rights, we see a mixed bag of victories and setbacks, we see a whole lot of discrepancies. Girls get better grades than boys, but get paid less once they graduate. Women play the leads in Hollywood movies and Netflix series, but are still underrepresented in world politics. These numbers and percentages show: we’ve come a long way, but still have far to go. But they also show this: no matter what you throw at a woman, she will rise. I believe that 100%.
Females Forward
Women’s Day 2020
My favorite day of the year: International Women’s Day. The day on which my mission, to empower women, is actively being pursued by millions of women -and men- worldwide. On this day we celebrate what we have achieved, and we look forward to the future of (feminine) feminism.
Females Forward
Space: the final frontier for feminism?
Even though we make up almost 50% of the world’s population, less than 11 percent of history’s space explorers have been women. Yes, the glass ceiling between earth and orbit is all too real. Luckily, it looks like the latest generation of feisty ‘fly girls’ is about to smash it.
Females Forward
Boss bitches Marlies Dekkers and Famke Louise on a mission
Last Monday, Marlies presented her collections for 2020 in a spectacular show at Villa Thalia, Rotterdam. Singer Famke Louise had a big role during the show. She performed two of her songs: her newest song which will soon be released, and her iconic ‘Boss Bitch’ for which Marlies joined her on stage to rap a verse herself. “The best moment of the evening”, according to model and influencer Joann van den Herik.
Females Forward
Learn how to F.L.Y.
Whether you are single or not, celebrate this Valentine’s Day by starting a life-long romance… with yourself! To learn how to F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself), let’s get inspired by aviator Amelia Earhart, who was as brave in love as she was in the sky.
Females Forward
Amelia Earhart: the flying feminist
She became a star as the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 1932, and a legend when she disappeared without a trace in 1937. But what made Amelia Earhart a feminist hero was the way she showed women worldwide that the sky is NOT the limit.
Females Forward
My first feminine|feminist afternoon party
On the 22nd of September, incredible women and men joined me and my daughter Zilver at the marlies|dekkers store in Rotterdam. Why?
Females Forward
Life lessons from Lady Day
What makes Billie Holiday so unforgettable, and what can women today still learn from the Queen of Blues? I asked Dutch musical legend Sophia Wezer what it was like to be in Billie’s shoes.
Females Forward
Billie Holiday: Badass Queen of Blues
Like a flower that grows from a crack in the sidewalk, Billie Holiday reached for the sun and bloomed, despite relentless adversity. Like Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, she transformed her pain and sadness into art, turning broken pieces into masterpieces. « Lady Day got diamond eyes, she sees the truth behind the lies », Bono would sing in ‘Angel of Harlem’. Indeed, with gardenias in her hair, smoldering through smoke and tears, Billie Holiday used her voice to speak and sing her truth. Without shame, and no matter the price.
Females Forward
Dare to use your voice!
Women have been told to shut up for a long, long time. « Let the woman learn in silence, with all submission, » the Bible admonished us. But even before that, in the Odyssey, Greek hero Telemachus declared that ‘speech will be the business of men’. Fast-forward to the twenty-first century, and it seems that the ban on women’s speech has been broken. After all, we have Angela Merkel and Beyoncé; we are world leaders, film directors, TED Talk-givers. Don’t let that fool you, though! From legal threats to ‘mansplaining’, women are still discouraged from speaking up, in many different ways. To make yourself heard as a woman is still an act of bravery. That’s why, as this season’s muse, I chose Billie Holiday: the ‘Badass Queen of Blues’ who used her voice to turn female anger, pain and sadness into creations of staggering beauty.
Females Forward
Rebels with a cause – Using music to say ‘me too’
From original ‘bad girl’ Billie Holiday to Rihanna and Lady Gaga; an ode to the rebellious women who have defied victimization by turning damage into beauty with their voices.
Females Forward
Wake up your inner Burlesque Bombshell!
Watch out, world! Burlesque bombshell Mosh is coming for you! I was lucky enough to have the Russian-American performer star in my campaign recently and watching her pose up a storm for photography legend Ellen von Unwerth was as exhilarating as watching an actual, big-production burlesque show.
Females Forward
Beautiful Complexity
After #MeToo, it’s crystal clear: the latest feminist wave is fueled by social media. So, to celebrate this Women’s Day, I sat down with Aafke Romeijn, who is not only a hugely talented musician, writer and journalist, but who, to me at least, is Holland’s undisputed Queen of Social Media. « On the one hand you have a bigger platform than ever as a woman and a minority, on the other hand, you get more shit thrown at you than ever. »
Females Forward
The link between Netflix & MeToo
Just like Cupid & Psyche, Mrs. Dekkers and I seem to be an unlikely pairing. But when she and I first met some thirty years ago when I was one of the editors of Playboy, we immediately clicked. Asking me to interview her on the subject of Me Too is so Marlies. Bless her.
Females Forward
An unforgettable celebration of feminine|feminism
Marlies Dekkers did it again
Earlier this week, in a packed Maassilo in Rotterdam, lingerie designer Marlies Dekkers showed her upcoming collections – spring|summer & fall|winter 2019- during a two-hour extravaganza that included spectacular live entertainment. Marlies: “For over 25 years, it has been my mission to empower women. To make that mission come to life for the stage was a magical experience: an unforgettable celebration of feminine feminism.
Females Forward
Julia Child: the lady with the ladle
Julia Child, the charismatic culinary legend who empowered women in the kitchen and beyond, was born on August 15th, 1912, in a posh LA-suburb called Pasadena. Her senses didn’t truly awaken, however, until she had a life-changing meal of oysters and sole meunière with her husband Paul in Rouen, which she described as « an opening up of the soul and spirit for me. » Aged 32, Julia signed up for the prestigious Cordon Blue cooking school where she found herself the only female student. “Up until then,” Julia said, “I just ate.”
MD Friends
Putting the fun in feminism
It was a dream come true, working with the legendary photographer Ellen von Unwerth. I had admired her work for years, her iconic images of women like Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez, and Madonna in magazines like Vogue and Vanity Fair, her unforget-table campaigns for Guess and Chanel, but I had also felt a very strong kinship with her: here was another woman who celebrated women’s bodies without ever objectifying them. A woman who had been pioneering feminine feminism, just like me.
Females Forward
– 3 reasons why Julia Child is one of my favorite feminine feminists –
MD Friends
When I have trouble sleeping, I think of Donna D’Cruz. Or rather, I hear her whisper in my ear, in her incredibly sexy Australian accent: « Breathe in, breathe out… ». It works, every time. Meet the real life goddess who uses music, meditation, and the magic of sleep to reawaken women’s true power. « We are human beings, not human doings. »
Females Forward
The lady in blu
She predicted the brightly colored hair trend years before it hit the runway at Chanel and she foresaw the rise of ‘flawed’ supermodels like Winnie Harlow. One thing is clear: trend forecaster and designer Antoinette van den Berg, aka The Lady in Blu, lives, wears and breathes trends. I sat down with the sparkly, blue-haired personality to find out what the future has in store for us. « I’m telling you, old is cool! »
Females Forward
Breathing Beauty
An interesting thing happened when I did Nadia Narain’s yoga class the other day. I had checked myself in the mirror beforehand, and thought I looked fine, but when I looked again afterwards, I fell utterly in love with my reflection!
Females Forward
Your pleasure, your power
Forget waiting around for compliments and a candy G-string; this Valentine’s Day, let’s seduce ourselves! How can you seduce others if you don’t know how to seduce yourself, right? But it actually goes so much deeper than that. I was in New York recently, where the magnificent Mal Harrison – clinical sexologist, TEDx speaker and clit-pioneer – explained to me why loving yourself up is one of the most empowering things a woman can do, in the bedroom and beyond. « It’s about owning your pleasure, your body, your power! »
Females Forward
Romantic Rebel
Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how did your legend grow? So much more than just Elizabeth I’s older sister or the wicked ‘Bloody Mary’ who burned over 280 protestants at the stake, Mary Tudor (1516–1558) lived a life full of heartbreak, defiance and glorious triumph. Born the daughter of the notorious King Henry VIII and the Spanish Catherine of Aragon, the auburn-haired beauty grew up as a cultured Renaissance princess with a knack for languages and a passion for fashion.
Females Forward
Lover & Survivor
She is mostly known as ‘that other Boleyn Girl’ or ‘the Mistress of Kings’. But I see Mary Boleyn (1499/1500 – 1543) as a woman who dared to defy all the rules to follow her heart. In other words, a historical heroine in her own right.
Females Forward
True Queen
Tudor (1516–1558) lived a life full of heartbreak, defiance and glorious triumph. Born the daughter of the notorious King Henry VIII and the Spanish Catherine of Aragon, the auburn-haired beauty grew up as a cultured Renaissance princess with a knack for languages and a passion for fashion.
Females Forward
Proud Mary
Crowned Queen of Scotland at only nine months of age, proud Mary Stuart (1542- 1587) was off to a flying start. A tall beauty with golden-red hair and bewitching hazel eyes, Mary was so charismatic, so brilliant with words that her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I, refused to meet her during their lifetimes for fear of being overshadowed.
Females Forward
Talent for Intrigue
Was Jane Boleyn, aka Viscountess Rochford, a villain or a victim? One thing is certain: no other woman in the 16th century was as closely associated with as many dramatic events…
Females Forward
Queens at Arms
Of all the splendid performances in the movie ‘Elizabeth’ (1998), Fanny Ardant’s brief, but wickedly sexy portrayal of Mary of Guise is amongst my very favorites. In real life too, this French vixen may not have been as legendary as Elizabeth, but she was a feminist power house in her own right.
Females Forward
Proud FEMINIST STATEMENTS in velvet and lace
One of Frida’s most potent weapons was her style. The more she was suffering, the more elaborate and regal she would dress. And so, you could often find Frida laid up in bed in a spectacular headdress and extravagant jewelry, looking like a surrealist vision and a folkloric Mexican queen.
Females Forward
Welcome to the garden of EARTHLY DELIGHTS
You may not think of Frida Kahlo as a typical gardener – can you imagine her in rubber boots? – but together with her beloved Diego she turned the garden of their ‘Casa Azul’ into a luscious paradise of locally sourced flora.
Females Forward
Think eyebrows and a moustache?
Frida didn’t just accept her ‘masculine’ look, she exaggerated and cultivated it! In one famous family photo, a young Frida wears a three-piece menswear suit with so much ‘swagger’ that one thing becomes clear: at just 17 years old, Frida already knew how fashion can transform you into a living work of art.
Females Forward
La casa AZUL
Of all the vibrant colors Frida used in her paintings, blue conveyed her deepest emotions. “Cobalt blue is electricity and purity. It’s love,” the Mexican painter wrote in her journal.
Females Forward
The unforgettable ‘The broken COLUMN’
As a child, polio crippled Frida’s right leg; as a teen, she was injured horrifically in a traffic accident. After that, Frida’s health would continue to deteriorate, causing her unbearable pain and forcing her to wear corsets for the rest of her life.
Females Forward
Hollywood, the FEMININE|FEMINIST movement is here!
On October 18th Marlies Dekkers and her FEMININE/FEMINIST movement showed her signature collection and the latest collection inspired by the great Edith Head, during a distinctive Burlesque fashion show in downtown Los Angeles.
Females Forward
Mistress of transformation
Some people call her the most important figure in the history of Hollywood costume design, to others she is the style maven who showed millions of women how to dress for success. But to me, Edith Head will always be the mistress of transformation. In the words of one of her star friends: “If Cinderella had Edith Head, she’d never have needed a Fairy Godmother.”
Females Forward
Meet our new app and the woman behind it!
I’ll admit it, I’m a bit of an app-addict. With my phone being an extension of myself, the apps on it make me feel like I’ve got the world at my fingertips: from the weather to the stars (tip: try SkyView, it’s a hand-held planetarium!) to those hard-to-get Charlotte Olympia heels.
Females Forward
Yukata Couture
All my work as a feminist designer is inspired by muses. Powerful female icons from past and present. Although women have been marginalised for centuries, archetypes of female power have always been there. Through my designs, I bring them to you. To help us shape the world of modern day feminism.
Females Forward
Finally Meeting Athena
Once upon a time, goddess Athena outsmarted Poseidon, god of the sea, and had the most desirable city of Ancient Greece named after her. Visiting this powerhouse of female energy turned out to be an epic journey…
Females Forward
Marlies Dekkers is ready to share her business experiences with you!
On the 25th of September Marie Claire will host the Marie Claire @Work Lifestyle Experience event for hundreds of ambitious women to attend.
Females Forward
A Golden Girl; Dafne Schippers
Who run the world? GIRLS! To me, Dafne Schippers is a symbol of true female power.
Females Forward
Behind the Brand: Miranda
Miranda is much more than my right hand. She has been making my (design) dreams come true for over 15 years. But what does she think of me?
Females Forward
Public Support for Women
Mark Zuckerberg’s mission to destigmatise miscarriages by speaking about them openly got us thinking. How often do we see men in the public eye openly supporting women? It wasn’t hard to find and we’ve got a couple great examples!
Females Forward
How to be a feminist father
You probably know by now that I am a proud feminist. I believe in equal rights for men and women.
Females Forward
Mira Nair in 5 quotes
I love women who give convention the middle finger, especially when they do so in a creative, elegant way. Meet one of my heroes, Indian director-writer-producer Mira Nair.
Females Forward
I’m every woman; 5 ways to celebrate
This Wednesday the world celebrates Women’s Day. The theme this year: ‘Be bold for change’. I couldn’t agree more. Let’s do it!
Females Forward
Meet Priya, India’s latest super hero
This Wonder Woman wears a sari, rides a ferocious tiger, and is a rape survivor. The message: there is no excuse for sexual violence. Ever.
Females Forward
The belly button debate, an Indian perspective.
To show or not to show, that’s the question when it comes to belly buttons. While Taylor Swift vowed to never (ever, ever!) show hers, Indian women feel very different about it.
Females Forward
Dare to be dreadful face your inner demons: about my latest tv crush
I’ve told you before about my fascination with the leading ladies of today’s hit series. Now let me introduce you to my latest crush, Gothic sex goddess Vanessa Ives.
Females Forward
Dare to be a feminist fashionista: why I love Karl Lagerfeld’s fashion riot.
Can you be a feminist fashionista? Karl Lagerfeld certainly seemed to think so when he sent his models on the runway for Chanel’s spring summer collections.
Females Forward
I believe in following your dreams
Success never comes easy. There are down, and when you are lucky, many more ups. For me, following my dreams and trying build my brand never came easy. It wasn’t only the talent that brought me where I am today, but my dedication, focus and believe in myself.
Females Forward
I’m a Feminist
A long-overdue correction in gender equality is at our doorsteps. A tipping-point in the history of women rests in our hands. This is our moment….
Females Forward
Funny, Feminist and Fearless Lena Dunham
Writer, director, and feminist Lena Dunham was in town for her book tour. I have been a big Lena fan for quite some time, even before she was the well-known lady she is today.
Females Forward
Anastacia is my kind of girl!
In 2009 Anastacia and I had our first rendez-vous. I never expected we would meet up again 5 year later and have a personal talk about modern day feminism.
Females Forward
Who’s a Nasty Gal?
What’s currently on my nightstand? This shouldn’t come as a surprise; it’s a nasty gal! The book #Girlboss is the latest achievement of power house Sophia Amoruso.
Females Forward
Woman Crush Wednesday
Some women can inspire me in such a way that you can maybe even call it a little crush. Want to know which ladies have this effect on me? Follow my #WomanCrushWednesdays on Twitter.
Females Forward
Glued to the tube
Olivia, Carrie, Lagertha and Maya, all main characters in todays hit series and also the reason why I have lately spend all my weekends in front of the TV. But what is it about these leading ladies of todays hit series which makes them so popular.
Females Forward
marlies|dekkers: Steeds een beetje duurzamer
Met trots delen wij het recente interview met Miranda Martinez, onze Sustainability Officer, en Jetske Verbeek, onze Sustainability Manager, door ABN AMRO. Sinds de doorstart in 2013 zijn er grote stappen gezet op het gebied van duurzaamheid en corporate sustainability. Een mijlpaal in onze reis is de B Corp-certificering die we vorig jaar behaalden. In het interview vertellen Miranda en Jetske over onze aanpak en delen ze waardevolle tips en inzichten. We nodigen je uit om meer te ontdekken over onze toewijding aan een duurzame toekomst.
Females Forward
A killer curry by a sexy survivor
Yes, Indian Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi is ridiculously sexy, but it’s her sass that makes me love her. That, and her awesome recipe for a vegetarian curry.