Growing up in the Netherlands during the 70s, the North Sea was my Nile. Standing at the wind-swept shore, wriggling my toes in the wet sand, I felt like a queen, or even better, like Botticelli's Venus rising from the waves. How I loved the fact that the salt air gave me curls that could rival hers! There was something about the sensuality of the salt, sea, sand and sounds that felt timeless; a connection with ancient queens and goddesses across oceans of time. With my latest swimwear collection, I am taking you on a magical trip down memory lane. Camping trips in the dunes, beauty budding on the beach, stolen kisses in the surf; I've tried to capture the joy of the freedom-loving 70s in these very personal pictures. Each of these Nile-inspired looks is an ode to freedom. Whether you are cruising down the sapphire-colored Nile or doing cartwheels in the dunes, you will feel like the Queen of Summer. Cleopatra herself would approve.
xxx Marlies