Couture rebellious princess revolutionary black Couture rebellious princess revolutionary black

Rebellious Princess

My Rebellious Princess collection is designed for feisty ladies. I was inspired by the Indian poet-princess Mirabai and her resistance against the chains of patriarchy. A true feminist avant la lettre, this sixteenth century rebel refused to be tamed by the male-dominated traditions of her time. No man or custom could detain her. Mirabai lived by her own rules.

With this collection I am dressing you in Mirabai’s rebellion. The design is adorned with ribbons of empowerment dipped in two sturdy tints inspired on the colour palette of chakras: rosy red for embracing your sensuality and blue for listening to your own voice. Wear my Rebellious Princess to start your own female revolution!

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it’s all about the details

couture rebellious princess revolutionary black collection

Rosy red ribbon

A sturdy rosy red ribbon decorates the front of this design.

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Feisty details

The back shows a piquant play of lines in a bright blue.

couture rebellious princess revolutionary black details

rebellious ruffles

The black ruffles dress you in Mirabai's rebellion.

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couture rebellious princess revolutionary black details